Los Angeles Times

Warren and Sanders, be best

Re “Warren’s win against sexism,” Opinion, Jan. 16


As someone who supports both Democratic presidenti­al candidates, I did not view Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) handling of the issue regarding whether Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) told her in 2018 that a woman couldn’t be elected president as a “win.”

Lacking a recording of the 2018 meeting, how can anyone know exactly what was said, including what nuances that conversati­on may have held? I would have expected a more gracious acknowledg­ment of this reality instead of the mean-spirited “gotcha” impression that Warren’s responses and post-debate actions conveyed.

This contretemp­s, which has been magnified by the media, is a tempest in a teapot. Columnist Virginia Heffernan’s interpreta­tion of the “kabuki” after the debate was unfairly biased against Sanders, including her gratuitous note that he is “notoriousl­y irritable and suffers from cardiac issues.”

I trust that Warren and Sanders will mend whatever rift this has caused and concentrat­e on more important matters. They are much better than this. Gertrude Barden

Porter Ranch

Despite Heffernan’s contemptuo­us view of Sanders as one of the “ruling class men,” he’s still entitled to a presumptio­n of good faith, as is Warren. The candidates’ disagreeme­nt concerns a private conversati­on, and honest miscommuni­cation can occur.

Heffernan’s defense of Warren’s claim to be the only candidate to beat a Republican incumbent in 30 years was equally off base. Inventing a meaningles­s statute of limitation­s was an overly slick politician’s trick to create a false distinctio­n between the candidates and also a backhanded way to invoke the age issue.

Like Warren, Heffernan gets her math wrong. Sanders’ win over incumbent Rep. Peter Smith (RVt.) occurred in November 1990, less than 30 years ago. But who cares about facts when there’s a false distinctio­n to be made?

Heffernan may think that refusing to shake Sanders’ hand makes Warren a “master strategist,” but to some it looked more like petty nonsense. She should not be surprised if the people of Iowa don’t share her enthusiasm for Warren’s antics. Daniel J. Stone

Los Angeles

I am a longtime subscriber to the Los Angeles Times, and it was with great dismay that I read Heffernan’s vitriolic column. Her piece reflects the desperatio­n of those trying to resurrect the Warren campaign, and it serves no purpose.

To achieve this, the Warren campaign must redefine Bernie Sanders as a misogynist. This effort flies in the face of everything we know and understand about Sanders.

It’s a sad way for the Warren campaign to go down. Mindy Pfeiffer


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