Los Angeles Times

Why Christians fear Democrats

Re “What war on religion?” editorial, Jan. 17


One does not have to like President Trump to fear the danger the left poses to religious freedom in America.

Faith does not stop at the church door. This is why the Roman Catholic Church started establishi­ng universiti­es and hospitals in the Middle Ages.

Freedom is violated when doctors and nurses at religion-affiliated hospitals must conduct abortions, help with physiciana­ssisted suicide or participat­e in other procedures that are against their moral beliefs. Furthermor­e, where are the pro-life Democrats?

The L.A. Times Editorial Board correctly cites the fear of lawsuits by school administra­tors if they allow constituti­onally protected speech on campus, but it minimizes the climate of fear that prevents many from expressing their faith in public.

It is not that we love Trump, but that we fear the alternativ­e. Larry Walker

Canoga Park

Trump understand­s a key electoral reality: The “religious freedom” championed by the huge conservati­ve Christian voting bloc must include the freedom to impose their faith on public school students.

Christian conservati­ves long have sought to indoctrina­te students through teacher-led classroom prayers. They still lament the 1962 U.S. Supreme Court decision that prohibited this unconstitu­tional practice.

Still, they push for classroom activities that serve to marginaliz­e and ostracize students who are nonbelieve­rs. That’s why they tout recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, which since 1954 has included the pious “under God” phrase.

For the next nine months, expect a biblical deluge of Trump’s socalled religious liberty initiative­s. He knows that his reelection salvation rests squarely on Christian conservati­ves’ support. Glenda Martel

Los Angeles

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