Los Angeles Times

Marketing whiz pre-Trader Joe’s


Re “Founded Trader Joe’s chain,” obituary, March 2

In 1966, I was 18 years old and working as a cashier at a tiny store called Pronto Market in Pacific Palisades. The few wines we carried mostly collected dust.

One day the boss handed out packages containing a “Wine Appreciati­on Correspond­ence Course” to each of the three employees. “You have three weeks to read it, take the test and get your certificat­e,” he said. “Your goal is to demystify wine purchasing decisions for our customers and to sell them a lot of wine.”

Adjacent to the single cash register, we cleared away some shelf space for a stock of modestly priced wines. The eclectic and varied collection was a true test for our newly acquired knowledge — and knowledge is all we had, because at 18 years old, we were legally able to sell wine but not drink it.

With enthusiasm, familiarit­y with our regular clientele and brazen salesmansh­ip, we would study each customer’s groceries as they were rung up and then confidentl­y suggest a wine pairing. Our sales were astonishin­g.

Within a year, the boss opened a new store devoted exclusivel­y to wine and affordable gourmet food items. The boss was Joe Coulombe, and he called the new store Trader Joe’s.

College taught me engineerin­g, and Joe taught me salesmansh­ip. Thank you, Joe.

Don Ciaffardin­i

Long Beach

Coulombe’s vision of marketing to a “person who got a Fulbright scholarshi­p, went to Europe for a couple of years and developed a taste for something other than Velveeta by way of cheese, something more than ordinary beer by way of alcoholic beverages and something other than Folgers by way of coffee,” may have been more successful than he realized.

When I was on a Fulbright in Wales in 1990-91, my roommates and I often found ourselves sitting around the kitchen bemoaning the lack of a Trader Joe’s in Aberystwyt­h.

And yes, I still shop at Trader Joe’s, and I’m still overeducat­ed and underpaid.

Leslie Jones

Los Angeles

Your obituary deserves praise for describing Coulombe’s inspiring story, especially about his keen sense of customer base and penchant for promoting employees within the ranks and paying them well.

What is not mentioned is that most of the employees are less well-paid, part-time workers who go on to those good full-time positions only after they demonstrat­e their value and loyalty to the company.

This weeding process better explains why the company never has to hire outside managers de novo.

Los Angeles

William K. Solberg

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