Los Angeles Times

‘Essential’ cannabis sparks debate

Governor’s decree draws fire from critics who say shops could spread disease.

- By Patrick McGreevy

SACRAMENTO — In designatin­g California’s marijuana industry as essential under the state’s COVID-19 stay-at-home order, the administra­tion of Gov. Gavin Newsom has argued that the health benefits of keeping pot shops open outweigh the risks — even as opponents of the policy call it reckless.

Critics say it doesn’t make sense to allow people to congregate at cannabis stores, increasing the chance of infection, so they can buy products that are smoked at a time when the coronaviru­s is attacking respirator­y systems.

Other states have restricted sales to those for medical needs or to deliveries, seeking to limit cannabis store crowds at a time when residents are being told to stay in their homes and practice social distancing.

But in his March 19 state

wide order shuttering most businesses and directing residents to remain at home, Newsom exempted those deemed by the state public health officer to be “Essential Critical Infrastruc­ture Workers,” who “protect health and well-being of all California­ns.”

In accordance with Newsom’s order, the health officer issued a list of essential employees who can stay on the job including those in grocery stores, welfare offices, power plants, hospitals, pharmacies and cannabis retailers.

Newsom was the leading proponent of Propositio­n 64, the 2016 ballot measure that legalized the sale of cannabis for recreation­al use in California. His administra­tion is making the same argument he made four years ago as lieutenant governor in supporting the recommenda­tion of the state health officer to keep marijuana stores open.

“Access to legal, regulated and safe cannabis is essential, especially for California residents who rely on cannabis as their medicine,” said Nicole Elliott, the governor’s senior advisor on cannabis.

Opponents of Propositio­n 64, including Kevin Sabet, head of the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, said there are health risks in smoking cannabis, while pills and other medicines made from cannabis are available elsewhere for medical patients.

“Given the choice of marijuana-based FDA drugs available at pharmacies, deeming pot shops ‘essential’ makes no more sense than allowing tobacco stores,” Sabet said.

The state’s decision to allow stores to stay open was a welcome reprieve for California’s cannabis industry, which has been struggling to compete with the black market. Licensed growers and sellers say they have been hurt by high taxes, strict regulation and the refusal of most cities in the state to allow pot shops.

The state has 1,100 licensed retail stores and home delivery firms, and many have seen a surge in sales since the COVID-19 outbreak began. During the nine-day period ending March 21, average daily sales were up 40% compared with the first 2 months of the year, according to BDS Analytics, a firm that tracks cannabis transactio­ns. Home deliveries are also up significan­tly.

The rush of buyers ranges from “people with chronic medical needs including pain, to people who just need to relax in a time of great anxiety,” said Roy Bingham, co-founder and chief executive of BDS.

He said his firm found that uncertaint­y over the future availabili­ty of cannabis also had people buying 25% more than they typically do to stock up.

Anxiety over future access to cannabis has been spurred by reports of tougher rules in other states. Massachuse­tts has banned sales for recreation­al use, limiting stores to providing medical marijuana, while Nevada is allowing only deliveries. Michigan sales must be done curbside or by delivery.

California’s order leaves room for cities and counties to adopt tougher standards that could require the closure of pot shops, some in the industry worry.

Advocacy groups including the Cannabis Consumer Policy Council are urging other cities and counties to follow the lead of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and others in adopting local rules to keep pot shops open.

“This is not the time to put patients or consumers at risk,” said Nate Bradley, executive director of the policy council that comprises cannabis advocates, veterans, labor leaders and business owners.

“The pandemic increases symptoms of anxiety and PTSD in our veteran population, and many patients have suppressed immune systems,” Bradley added. “Forcing them into the illicit market only further puts them at risk and further burdens public safety resources.”

Assemblyma­n Rob Bonta (D-Alameda) said that while many cannabis businesses have seen sales increase, others are struggling. One retailer in his district decided to temporaril­y shut its doors to protect workers and customers with immunodefi­ciency issues, Bonta said.

“They don’t want to risk exposure,” he said.

The state Bureau of Cannabis Control said retailers that continue to stay open “must adopt social distancing and anti-congregati­ng measures,” and are required to comply with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for cleaning and disinfecti­on of public areas.

In response, many stores, including the Higher Path in

Sherman Oaks, are offering curbside service, allowing people to order cannabis online and text the business when they arrive to have the product brought out to their car.

“I’m trying to limit the amount of personal interactio­n of my employees with any member of the public,” said Jerred Kiloh, owner of the store. He had to get special permission from the state bureau to waive the requiremen­t that stores conduct sales transactio­ns in a secure indoor area.

On one recent day, Kiloh said there were 15 cars outside his store whose drivers were provided with cannabis products they had ordered, in addition to customers who went inside the store for their orders.

Still, the potential for transmissi­on of the virus between customers and employees at pot shops is cited by some who say the state is making a mistake in allowing pot shops to remain open when bars and nightclubs have been ordered shut.

“Allowing workers to congregate to distribute this damaging and dangerous drug in the presence of this pandemic cannot be justified in the least,” said Scott Chipman, a Southern California resident who is vice president of Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana, noting that people face special risk from COVID-19 if their immune systems are impaired or they have lung or respirator­y problems.

Dale Gieringer, director of the legalizati­on group Cal NORML, called Chipman’s claims “unsubstant­iated by a group that likes to blame marijuana for everything.”

Gieringer, who has written on cannabis health issues, said studies have shown chronic cannabis smoking, like all smoking, can raise the risk of respirator­y infections, which are a factor in COVID-19 susceptibi­lity. But he said that is not true of edible cannabis.

“On the other hand, it could be argued that cannabis has demonstrat­ed beneficial anti-inflammato­ry effects in treating autoimmune diseases like [multiple sclerosis], rheumatoid arthritis, endometrio­sis, etc., in which the body is damaged by its own immune response,” Gieringer said.

While more medical research is needed on the health effects of cannabis, some studies have raised concerns about cannabis use negatively affecting the immune system, said Dr. Donald Tashkin, a UCLA professor and director of the university’s Pulmonary Function Laboratori­es.

Tashkin coauthored a 2014 study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacolo­gy that found habitual smoking of marijuana has “a number of effects on the respirator­y and immune systems.” They include “an increased prevalence of acute and chronic bronchitis” and “striking endoscopic findings of airway injury (erythema, edema and increased secretions).”

Those who use cannabis products for nonmedicin­al reasons should avoid doing so during the COVID-19 outbreak, he said.

“If they are not dependent, I would advise them to stop smoking cannabis,” Tashkin said. “Smoking anything increases risk.”

Chipman said he believes the state’s designatio­n of cannabis as an essential industry can be attributed to the industry’s political clout in the state Capitol, noting that Newsom has a political stake in seeing the legal market succeed because he led the campaign for Propositio­n 64.

“Gavin Newsom has had blinders on related to marijuana and its impacts on public health and safety for years,” Chipman said.

But some GOP lawmakers, including Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron of Escondido, are siding with the governor on the decision to keep cannabis stores operating during the pandemic.

“I agree with the state’s efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 thus far,” Waldron said, “But I think it’s also important to keep open as many businesses as possible, as long as that doesn’t interfere with virus mitigation and employees and customers are protected.”

 ?? Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times ?? CANNABIS DISPENSARI­ES draw crowds that could lead to the spread of the novel coronaviru­s and they sell products that damage users’ lungs, critics say. The marijuana industry — along with grocery stores and pharmacies — was deemed “essential” under a state order.
Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times CANNABIS DISPENSARI­ES draw crowds that could lead to the spread of the novel coronaviru­s and they sell products that damage users’ lungs, critics say. The marijuana industry — along with grocery stores and pharmacies — was deemed “essential” under a state order.

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