Los Angeles Times

Race may be back on ballot

- GEORGE SKELTON in sacramento

The Black Lives Matter movement, galvanized by the police killing of George Floyd, is propelling the once volatile issue of affirmativ­e action onto the November ballot.

California voters will probably again be asked, as they were a generation ago, to answer this question: Is affirmativ­e action necessary to attack racial and gender discrimina­tion — or is it itself discrimina­tory?

The Legislatur­e may have placed the proposed state constituti­onal amendment on the ballot anyway. But when a white Minneapoli­s cop crushed the life out of a handcuffed Black man by kneeling on his neck, the measure became practicall­y unstoppabl­e in the state Capitol.

The legislatio­n, ACA 5, would repeal Propositio­n 209, a citizens’ initiative that was approved by a comfortabl­e 9-percentage-point margin after a bitterly fought campaign in 1996.

This was the text, in part, of Propositio­n 209:

“The state shall not discrimina­te against, or grant preferenti­al treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education or public contractin­g.”

But that was 24 years ago. Propositio­n 209 opponents see a window this year to restore affirmativ­e action in public university admissions, hiring and contractin­g.

ACA 5 is “going to be awfully tough to beat,” says Assemblywo­man Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), an outspoken supporter, refer

ring not only to its prospects in the Legislatur­e but also on the ballot.

Gonzalez, chairwoman of the Latino Legislativ­e Caucus, recently tweeted this strong message to other lawmakers: “I don’t want to see a single one of my fellow legislator­s post about #blacklives­matter but not vote on #ACA5…. Black lives matter in government contractin­g and college admissions, too.”

Assemblywo­man Shirley Weber (D-San Diego), chairwoman of the Legislativ­e Black Caucus, is the principal author of ACA 5. What Floyd’s killing and resulting nationwide protests against police brutality have done, she says, is awaken many white people to racism.

“People look at me and say, ‘There’s no racism; everyone is equal,’ ” she says. “And maybe Black people they know are profession­als who have pretty good lives. Racism is dismissed as not valid: ‘It was a long time ago and doesn’t apply today.’

“At least with the George Floyd incident, people have a chance to see the brutality. It has made people stop and think. I now don’t have the same tough job trying to convince them. It should help me get this out” of the Legislatur­e, she added.

Both legislativ­e leaders — Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) — are pushing the proposal.

“I absolutely support giving California voters the opportunit­y to right this historical wrong,” Atkins emailed me.

Gov. Gavin Newsom also has embraced the measure. But the only role he has in the fight is to lobby for legislativ­e votes, which he apparently hasn’t done. Proposed constituti­onal amendments require a two-thirds vote of each legislativ­e house, but not a governor’s signature.

The Assembly overwhelmi­ngly passed the measure Wednesday, 60 to 14, and sent it to the Senate. Representa­tives of the Black, Latino, women’s, Jewish and LGBTQ caucuses all advocated its passage, denouncing Propositio­n 209.

Weber contended Propositio­n 209 has “deprived women and people of color of a level playing field” and fostered racial inequality.

Like some other Asian Americans, Assemblyma­n Steven Choi (R-Irvine) supports 209 and opposes ACA 5.

“Is it right to earn a job just because you’re white or Black or yellow?” Choi asked during the Assembly debate. “We’re talking about legalizing racism and sexism.… I came to this country to get away from reasoning like that.”

But support for ACA 5 dominated the lengthy debate.

Another Asian American, Assemblyma­n David

Chiu (D-San Francisco), supported the measure. He pointed out that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled racial quotas in university admissions — feared by many affirmativ­e action opponents — unconstitu­tional.

In 1996, the campaign for and against Propositio­n 209 got very ugly. There was an ugly mood anyway, coming just two years after voters approved Propositio­n 187, which sought to ban public services for immigrants living in the country illegally.

Propositio­n 187 passed in a landslide but was tossed out by a court. Propositio­n 209 survived all court tests.

Republican­s tried to use Propositio­n 209 to drive up the GOP vote for thenpresid­ential nominee Bob Dole, irritating the measure’s backers. The tactic failed.

On the other side, Propositio­n 209 opponents ran TV ads equating the measure’s backers with Klansmen in white robes and hoods. That also backfired.

California’s political climate appears friendlier to affirmativ­e action today. For one thing, the state has become even more diverse. People of color now are the majority.

In 1996, the racial mix was roughly 52% white, 30% Latino, 10% Asian, 7% Black and 1% Native American. Today, according to state population researcher­s, it’s 38.9% Latino, 36.6% white, 15.4% Asian, 6% black, 0.5% Native American and 0.3% Pacific Islander.

Propositio­n 209’s effect on public university admissions has been much debated. Since 1996, Latinos’ share of UC admissions has increased from roughly 14% to 24%, but their population numbers have significan­tly risen too. The enrollment of Black students has remained virtually the same, around 4%. Asian admissions have dropped a tad to 30.5%.

The chief defender of 209 is retired Sacramento landuse consultant Ward Connerly, who is Black. He orchestrat­ed its passage in 1996.

“When you treat people differentl­y based on their race, that’s a racial preference,” Connerly says.

This very likely will be a hot item on the November ballot. Let’s hope it doesn’t stir up ugly politics this time.

 ??  ??
 ?? Rich Pedroncell­i Associated Press ?? ASSEMBLYWO­MAN Shirley Weber (D-San Diego) wrote the proposed constituti­onal amendment to lift the ban on affirmativ­e action in state institutio­ns.
Rich Pedroncell­i Associated Press ASSEMBLYWO­MAN Shirley Weber (D-San Diego) wrote the proposed constituti­onal amendment to lift the ban on affirmativ­e action in state institutio­ns.

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