Los Angeles Times


Congress faces a tight deadline to reach a deal to continue the COVID relief subsidy.

- By Sarah D. Wire

WASHINGTON — After initial resistance from some Republican­s, Congress is inching closer to an agreement to extend at least some of the $600-a-week federal unemployme­nt insurance subsidy approved this spring to help American workers hurt by the coronaviru­s crisis.

When they return next week to begin talks on another major relief bill, lawmakers face a tight deadline to renew the popular benefit, which expires at the end of the month.

The recent resurgence in COVID-19 cases in many states, including California, is providing a political tailwind for Democrats who want to extend the money.

“The extra $600 per week has been an absolute lifeline for these Americans,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.) told reporters Wednesday. He said it was “cruel” to leave unemployed workers in limbo so close to the deadline before Congress reaches agreement about whether the money will continue.

And while some in the GOP remain adamantly opposed to extending the money and argue it discourage­s some workers from returning to their jobs, a few Republican­s — including some White House officials — have begun floating the idea of approving a reduced or more restricted federal subsidy to assist the nearly 50 million American workers who have applied for unemployme­nt insurance since the pandemic began.

In public comments over the last two weeks, Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin and economic advisor Larry Kudlow seemed to open the door to a compromise on the issue.

Unemployme­nt insurance is just one of several sticking points.

Fights are also brewing over whether to include incentives to reopen schools in the fall, how far to go in shielding companies, schools and others from COVID-19-related liability lawsuits and how much federal aid — if any — state and local government­s should receive to shore up their budgets.

They’ll also need to agree on how to make the Paycheck Protection Program loans more attractive to small businesses, whether to continue the moratorium on evictions for people living in public housing or renting homes with federally backed mortgages, and whether to issue another direct cash payout of up to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child.

With the traditiona­l August congressio­nal recess looming, there is not much time to reach a deal. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (DSan Francisco) vowed to get a package on President Trump’s desk before leaving.

“We’ll have a bill and hopefully we’ll have it sooner rather than later because people really need to have it, and we should have it before the expiration of the unemployme­nt insurance,” Pelosi said Wednesday.

Direct negotiatio­ns between Democrats and Republican­s have not yet seriously begin, but both sides have begun publicly sending up trial balloons through news conference­s, statements and television appearance­s.

It will mark Congress’ first major response to the pandemic since the spring, when it passed several laws that provided a total of nearly $3 trillion in emergency economic aid.

Negotiatio­ns over what to do next stalled in May, with Republican­s saying they wanted to wait until July to see how the money it already approved — the largest single economic aid package passed in U.S. history — affected the economy before approving more.

Democrats pressed on, and the House passed a $3trillion package without Republican input or the broad support that they hope will be the starting point for current negotiatio­ns. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called it a wish list and a nonstarter in the Senate.

McConnell has been adamant that the next package would originate in his office. Previous coronaviru­s bills were largely hammered out between Democrats and Mnuchin, much to the frustratio­n of Senate Republican­s.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (DN.Y.) told Senate Democrats in a call Wednesday that McConnell has not reached out to them for input and that it appears Republican­s are trying to sideline House Democrats. But he said Senate Democrats would only negotiate the next package with House Democrats in the room, according to a source on the call.

House and Senate Democrats want to extend the $600 federal unemployme­nt benefit through the rest of the year.

The Trump administra­tion and congressio­nal Republican­s have called the flat subsidy a disincenti­ve for people to return to work because some lower-paid workers are making more money being unemployed than they would have at work.

Even so, in a departure from his previous position to end the subsidy, McConnell acknowledg­ed this week that unemployme­nt insurance will be addressed in the next bill, though he provided no details.

“I think you could anticipate this coming to a head sometime within the next three weeks, beginning next week,” he told reporters in Kentucky on Monday.

Economic experts argue that the purpose of the benefit was to encourage people to stay home and not look for work as a way to control the spread of the coronaviru­s. Government officials also said providing a f lat amount, based on a national average, was the fastest way to get the money out, rather than making adjustment­s by state or based on workers’ pay — something beleaguere­d state unemployme­nt systems were not designed to manage.

With the rate of positive cases climbing in more than half of the states, Republican­s have begun talking about extending the benefit at a lower amount or finding a way to cap the benefit to no more than a person’s normal take-home pay.

One possibilit­y being considered is to cut the unemployme­nt benefit from $600 to between $200 and $400 per week, and making up at least part of the difference by sending another round of $1,200 stimulus payments to some families.

Pelosi told reporters Wednesday she is open to negotiatio­ns on the $600, saying that it needs to be considered in totality alongside potential direct payments to individual­s.

McConnell reiterated Wednesday at an event in Kentucky that the next aid package must include liability protection­s for reopening schools, healthcare providers and businesses. Democrats had initially called such liability protection­s a nonstarter, but have hedged a bit in recent weeks. Pelosi said Wednesday businesses would be protected from lawsuits if the Occupation­al Health and Safety Administra­tion passes safety regulation­s they want for workers.

McConnell also said the bill he plans to put forward will include incentives to get children physically back to school in the fall so that parents will be able to return to work. That could take a substantia­l federal investment, he said.

The issue has become a key focus in recent weeks, with Trump threatenin­g to tie federal aid to whether schools open fully so children are physically present. While he cannot do that on his own, he could insist on Congress conditioni­ng the aid in some way. Some of the nation’s largest school districts, including Los Angeles Unified, are already saying they will not reopen for inperson instructio­n in the fall.

McConnell didn’t say education funding should be contingent on reopening, adding that rotating children in and out of schools to limit class sizes may be necessary.

“It can be safely done. You have to weigh the consequenc­es. What are the consequenc­es of staying home versus being back in school? Clearly, even though some school districts out West are shutting down again, I think all the evidence indicates that distance learning for kids is not as good,” McConnell said. “We need to find a way to safely get back to work, and we feel, I feel like the federal government will have to play a financial role in helping to make that possible.”

Democrats want the package to address how to reopen schools safely as well, with money for protective safety gear for educators and students, improving ventilatio­n systems and more technology for distant learning. But they oppose Trump’s threat of connecting federal aid to schools reopening physical locations, saying student and teacher safety has to be paramount.

 ?? Photograph­s by Andrew Harnik Associated Press ?? HOUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi says that Congress will approve a new coronaviru­s relief package before the August recess, “and hopefully we’ll have it sooner rather than later because people really need to have it.”
Photograph­s by Andrew Harnik Associated Press HOUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi says that Congress will approve a new coronaviru­s relief package before the August recess, “and hopefully we’ll have it sooner rather than later because people really need to have it.”
 ??  ?? SENATE LEADER Mitch McConnell indicated unemployme­nt insurance will be addressed in the bill.
SENATE LEADER Mitch McConnell indicated unemployme­nt insurance will be addressed in the bill.

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