Los Angeles Times

Congress could get answers from Stone


President Trump’s commutatio­n of Roger Stone’s sentence is a body blow to two core democratic values. The first, and most immediate, is the principle of fair and impartial justice for all. It is a travesty that Stone — who was plainly guilty of serious crimes, who snubbed his nose repeatedly at the justice system, who continues to challenge his conviction­s — is now a free man. There is little that can be done now to reverse that injustice.

The second principle is the public’s right to know, in this case about the full story of the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s complicity in Russia’s attack on American institutio­ns. Here Stone may yet be called to account, and that should be a goal shared across political boundaries.

The perversion of justice in Stone’s case stinks. The commutatio­n vividly illustrate­s Trump’s corrupt two-tiered system: the full force of law for everyone but his cronies and supporters. The special status of Trumpers provided Stone a pass on the most basic of the norms associated with such executive branch actions: People convicted of crimes are not supposed to be eligible for commutatio­n until they begin to serve their sentences and cease challengin­g their conviction­s, neither of which Stone has done.

In fact, Stone’s commutatio­n is arguably the most corrupt use of the president’s constituti­onally granted “pardon power” in history and one of the most corrupt acts of Trump’s abysmal presidency. Other controvers­ial pardons in history have provided preferenti­al treatment to friends of the president; this one served to directly protect Boss Trump himself. Trump got Stone’s silence, Stone got freedom, and the public got shafted.

The exact nature of that shafting is not trivial. As special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report makes clear, Stone’s lies and his obstructio­n, including witness tampering, are major reasons why to this day there are large gaps in our understand­ing of the Russian attack on the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s complicity in it.

Stone is the key witness on two not fully answered questions. The first is whether Trump and the campaign knew in advance about or even collaborat­ed on the WikiLeaks dump of purloined emails from the Clinton campaign. Indeed, freshly unredacted material in the Mueller report indicates that Paul Manafort told Mueller that Stone had been tipped off and had passed that info along to Trump or the campaign. The second question is whether Trump lied in his written answers to Mueller when he claimed he couldn’t remember the specifics of any conversati­on with Stone in the six months before the election.

On both issues, the government should not be finished with Stone. He can and should be made to testify under penalty of perjury.

If he is subpoenaed, Stone could assert his 5th Amendment right not to incriminat­e himself. Because his sentence was commuted, as opposed to his being pardoned, his conviction­s stand and the book is not fully closed on the crimes. His further testimony could be used against him as regards those crimes.

But there’s a fairly easy workaround, as Mueller’s deputy Andrew Weissmann explained in a New York Times op-ed this week. If Stone takes the 5th, the government could grant him immunity, and his liability would disappear.

Immunity isn’t something the government offers casually, but it is appropriat­e when the value of witness testimony is paramount — as is the case here — and there is no other way to get it. Once immunized, if Stone were to persist in refusing to answer questions, he could be jailed for civil contempt until he agreed to talk. And if he lied (again), he would be subject to brand-new perjury charges.

Where should this testimony take place? I suggest Congress, either as part of regular congressio­nal hearings or, possibly, under the aegis of a broad-based commission on Russian election interferen­ce, much like the commission­s that investigat­ed 9/11 and the Kennedy assassinat­ion. Such investigat­ions are specifical­ly meant to inform the American people.

It is galling that the president has managed to foil nearly every effort to impose punishment on his cronies and himself. The ledger is not yet closed, however, and a fuller reckoning may await them after Trump leaves office.

In the meantime, the American people and their lawmakers urgently need to get the fullest possible account of exactly what happened to our election infrastruc­ture in 2016. Examining systemic failures and enemy attacks is what democracie­s do, not least because it is the only way to reduce the risk of similar harms going forward.

Trump seems to believe that by commuting Stone’s sentence he closed the book on what Stone knows, ensuring his buddy’s lifelong silence. Trump has the power to keep Stone out of prison for the felonies he has been convicted of, but keeping him silent is another matter. Commutatio­n notwithsta­nding, it’s likely the day will come when Stone has to sing or sink.


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