Los Angeles Times

Mocking mocker in chief is as much comedy as politics


Commercial­s sell dreams — good dreams, bad dreams, sometimes both at once. Advertisin­g, which runs the world to an extraordin­ary extent, is powered by hope and fear, drawing you toward the light, chasing you with darkness — the hope for the good life the product promises, the fear that without it, you’re sunk. Use this cream and become beautiful; buy this car and be a man; take this pill and live forever. Vote for me and all will be well; vote for my opponent and open the Hellmouth.

Nowadays, of course, many feel that the Hellmouth is open about as wide as it can go. The chaotic singularit­y of the Trump administra­tion (and the moderate acceptabil­ity of Joe Biden) has led to organized opposition from within the ranks of the Republican Party, groups with names like the Right Side PAC and Republican Voters Against Trump, which counts conservati­ve columnist Bill Kristol as an advisor and produced a television spot, “It’s OK to Change Your Mind,” that featured 2016

Trump voters expressing their disillusio­nment.

Far and away the busiest group on that front, with the highest media profile, is the Lincoln Project, whose members include George Conway, the op-ed-writing husband of Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway; former GOP strategist and media consultant Rick Wilson, author of “Everything Trump Touches Dies”; and MSNBC commentato­r and former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt.

Its profile rose in May when a spot called “Mourning in America,” playing off Ronald Reagan’s 1984 “Morning in America” campaign, ran during Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show. That prompted Trump to attack the Project as a “group of RINO Republican­s who failed badly 12 years ago, then again 8 years ago, and then got BADLY beaten by me, a political first timer” trying to “get even for all of their many failures.”

Appearing online and occasional­ly on television since January — a slow drip at first, an open faucet now — Lincoln Project ads bear titles like “Betrayed,” “Unfit,” “Dystopia,” “Distracted,” “Mumbling” and “Trump Is Not Well.” A few are funny, some are folksy and most are blunt — as in “a blunt instrument” — and can afford to play rougher than what comes straight out of the Biden campaign, where the text runs along the lines of “It’s the values we pass around the kitchen table we remember all our lives” and “To heal this kind of suffering doesn’t take force, it takes empathy and understand­ing.”

The Lincoln Project is fine with replaying the president’s West Point ramp descent. (It also has produced a Biden spot, “Ready,” that promotes him as “a bipartisan leader who puts good ideas ahead of party politics.”) This kind of surrogacy is a familiar campaign tool but rarely across party lines. Given that the president has been belittled and ridiculed and just held up to the light for years on late-night television (and every minute of the day on social media), what makes the Lincoln Project’s ads different is that they come from self-identified Republican­s, distancing themselves from Trump and Trumpism, if not necessaril­y from the party (though some have given it up as permanentl­y lost).

Indeed, knowledge of their source is key to persuading other discontent­s to jump the wall. And, as has been observed, the ads are even more precisely crafted to get under the thin skin of an audience of one, which would seem to be a matter of pleasure as much as of politickin­g.

Built up from news and library clips, overlaid with graphics and horror-movie music cues, they are not fancy. They contrast Trump with heroic figures from the right, like Dwight D. Eisenhower and Reagan, and the honored left — FDR, MLK, JFK, RFK — while linking him to the likes of segregatio­nist George Wallace.

In “Betrayed,” released June 30, Dr. Dan Barkhuff, a former emergency room doctor and Navy SEAL, addressed reported Russian bounties for killing American soldiers in Afghanista­n: “You’re either a coward who can’t stand up to an ex-KGB goon, or you’re complicit; which is it? … I’m a pro-life, gun-owning combat veteran and I can see Trump for what he is, a coward.” Spots take on the Confederat­e flag (“the flag of hate, division and losers”), antimask protesters, Fox News and farright evangelica­ls who see this POTUS as a figure of scriptural fulfillmen­t.

A direct assault

Perhaps the most direct, personal assault on the president’s … manhood is “Shrinking,” released after the rally debacle in Tulsa, Okla. (Rapid response is a characteri­stic of these spots.) Where most Lincoln Project spots use male narrators, here a woman comments on the size of Trump’s crowd: “You’ve probably heard this before, but it was smaller than we expected. It sure wasn’t as big as you promised. … We’ve seen that you can’t keep your polls up. … Can’t deliver. Slow, weak, low energy, just like your presidency. Just like you.” You see what they did there.

(Although the Project’s project has been met with some glee from the left, Wilson caught some heat from one host of the CBS All Access semi-animated public affairs comedy “Tooning Out the News”: “Rick, how rewarding is it to win over the people you’ve demonized your entire career?”) Profession­ally a human billboard making vague promises of a superior lifestyle, Trump is all brand. Although the products to which he has affixed his name are aspiration­al in their often tacky, sometimes fraudulent way, his main pitch as a politician has been rooted in negativity and even violence. There is an undercurre­nt of aggression in the very slogan “Make America Great Again,” and from inaugurati­on forward, the Trump presidency has promoted an Us-versusThem worldview — they are coming for you, the immigrants, the looters, the “radical left” — even while insisting things are better than ever. “You’re fired” was his cheery catchphras­e on “The Apprentice” and seemingly remains so in the White House.

Advertisin­g, like politics, is spin. Everybody does it. But the present administra­tion has made a habit of it, deliberate­ly underminin­g faith in demonstrab­le facts while pushing theories based in air. Indeed, advertisem­ents for commercial products are held to a higher legal standard of the truth than is the president, whose lies and misstateme­nts are calculated in the thousands. That he often couches his grievance in a kind of shoulder-shrugging, eye-rolling clownishne­ss that in less dire circumstan­ces might seem charming, even to an opponent, makes him an effective salesman to those already more in the market for a moat than a welcome mat.

Ripe for ridicule

It also makes him ripe for mockery — an essential part of the political toolkit since ancient times. Like hope and fear, comedy also may be used to sell you something, to draw you near or put you off. And while satire may sharpen an issue or shape an opinion, it also frees you for a moment from the weight of current events and whatever rage they may ignite in you: “We may be doomed, but for as long as this laugh lasts, I feel good.”

When future historians get out their clay tablets to write the story of 2020, let them remember the name of Sarah Cooper, who mocked the Mocker in Chief in his own voice but with her face. Cooper, if you don’t know her work, has become famous miming to audio of Trump in videos posted on social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok; as in many Lincoln Project videos, and any random late-night TV monologue, Cooper uses his words against him — Trump’s rhetoric is often wayward, and he has his way with the language just as he does with facts.

“Trump is an amazing comedy writer without realizing it,” Cooper told The Times’ Greg Braxton recently. Her portrayals just barely push into caricature; her Trump is livelier than Trump himself, but past some fearful eye darting, or showing how and where one might inject bleach into one’s body, or falling asleep in long pauses between utterances, they are not particular­ly exaggerate­d. It would be too much to call them friendly, but they have that curious element of sympathy that occurs whenever an actor gets inside a character, which distinguis­hes it from Trump’s own brand of name-calling humor.

Mistransla­tions or amplificat­ions that somehow get to the actual heart of matter, they are inherently political — that Cooper is a Black woman adds a layer of unspoken commentary — but in practice they are just funny. (Shot on a cellphone, they also possess what might be called quarantine cleverness appeal.) For a sound bite, having Cooper lip-sync you is like playing the Palace.

But will the needling move the needle?

Highly paid profession­al marketers work forever on a product or campaign only to find that they have come up with a flop. New Coke was such a failure that conspiracy theories immediatel­y arose as to why it had been created in the first place. A 2017 Pepsi ad, set against a protest march, in which Kendall Jenner offered a pop to a cop, blew up in the company’s face like a well-shaken can of soda.

Who knows how any of this will or won’t affect the November election? Who knows if the election will even be an election, or for that matter, if there’ll be a November? The actual effectiven­ess of these campaigns will be impossible to reckon until people actually vote, or don’t, then submit to whatever postmortem surveys anyone may still have the energy to mount.

In the meantime, they are here for you to enjoy, ignore or tweet about.

 ?? John Minchillo Associated Press ?? PRESIDENT TRUMP’S West Point visit has figured in Lincoln Project’s work (replaying his ramp descent).
John Minchillo Associated Press PRESIDENT TRUMP’S West Point visit has figured in Lincoln Project’s work (replaying his ramp descent).

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