Los Angeles Times

No rush to name a No. 2


Re “Waiting for Biden’s VP pick,” editorial, Aug. 5

Don’t rush Joe Biden. The longer the presumptiv­e Democratic nominee waits to name his vice presidenti­al pick, the less time there will be for President Trump’s campaign to react.

Biden surely doesn’t want his polling lead to widen too much too soon. That might spur Trump to make his own headlinegr­abbing VP maneuver.

Some have speculated that Trump, not known for loyalty to subordinat­es, would jettison Vice President Mike Pence and bring on Nikki Haley, his former ambassador to the United Nations. She already is a good bet for the GOP’s 2024 nomination.

With Haley on the ticket, Trump might well overcome any polling deficit that Biden’s VP pick generates. But adding her at the last minute would be politicall­y awkward.

Democrats should have no problem with Biden’s delay. Mel Farber

Pacific Palisades ::

If we could vote for vice president, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would never get my vote.

I have contacted her office three different times for assistance and have never received even an acknowledg­ment of my letter. Conversely, every time I’ve contacted Rep. Karen Bass’ (D-Los Angeles) office, a member of her staff has always investigat­ed the matter I was complainin­g about.

Many of our elected representa­tives feel that after they win their seat, that’s the end of their need to stay in touch with the people who elected them. Rosilyn Clayton

Los Angeles

Biden’s VP pick will have very little influence on his campaign’s success. Disdain for Trump is the fuel that drives Democrats.

Medicare for all, increased taxes, immigratio­n reform, foreign policy and even Biden’s age really don’t matter — it’s all about getting Trump out. Glynn Morris

Playa del Rey

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