Los Angeles Times

Piling on a pro-Trumper


As President Trump’s standing in opinion polls falls and his handling of the coronaviru­s pandemic continues to come under withering criticism, letter writers expressing support for him rarely defend his record as much as they disparage his opponents. So when a proTrump reader sent us a letter praising the president for his job performanc­e (while taking a few easy shots at his critics, including the L.A. Times), I decided to publish it in Thursday’s paper.

That didn’t sit well with some readers. About three dozen sent us responses, and all but a few of them took issue with the decision to publish the letter or the writer’s assessment of the Trump presidency as “promises made, promises kept.” Here is what some of them said.

— Paul Thornton, letters editor

Brian Symington of Los Angeles recaps some of Trump’s most notable pledges:

The letter from the Trump supporter is shocking in its ignorance of reality. He wrote that Trump’s record is one of “promises made, promises kept.”

Hillary Clinton is not in prison, Mexico has not paid for a wall, the coronaviru­s

has not disappeare­d, the economy is in a shambles, and the United States is currently a global laughingst­ock.

Unfortunat­ely, many of Trump’s supporters live in denial.

Catherine Crook of Camarillo explains “obsessions” over race, class and gender:

The pro-Trump reader ends his letter by saying he will take “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness over obsessions about race, gender and class any day.”

White, straight, reasonably well-off males have had little to no impediment­s to their rights since the country’s beginning.

Women, however, weren’t enfranchis­ed federally until 1920 and still are underrepre­sented in public and private leadership. We earn less than men for comparable work.

Nonwhite people have had to struggle through endless impediment­s to their ability to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as have nonstraigh­t people and people living below the poverty line. We have to “obsess” over race, gender and class if we want to enjoy equal rights.

Thus, we will not stop agitating.

Marylane Graham of Costa Mesa was pleasantly surprised:

It is no secret that the L.A. Times has a negative opinion of the president, so I was amazed and very pleased to see that it printed this letter. I agree with the opinion that Trump’s record is one of “promises made, promises kept,” and I will also cast my vote for him this November.

Most of today’s media have been negative and insulting to this president and his family. I hope that the L.A. Times will become more balanced on its opinion page.

D.J. Ponder of Torrance notes a contradict­ion:

What peculiar thinking of a local resident seeking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but supporting a would-be autocrat. Preventing the coronation is what the Democratic Party’s efforts are all about.

 ?? Alex Brandon Associated Press ?? PRESIDENT TRUMP arrives at the East Room of the White House for a signing ceremony this week.
Alex Brandon Associated Press PRESIDENT TRUMP arrives at the East Room of the White House for a signing ceremony this week.

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