Los Angeles Times

GOP mulls vote on a new justice

With Trump expected to name his nominee Saturday, the party appears to have numbers on its side.

- By Jennifer Haberkorn

WASHINGTON — President Trump said Monday he is likely to name a replacemen­t for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Saturday, as Senate Republican­s continued to discuss whether to push for a vote before the election, despite furious Democratic opposition.

As more senators declared their positions, Republican­s appeared increasing­ly likely to have the votes to confirm Trump’s choice — assuming no surprises emerge in the confirmati­on process — although the timing of a vote remained uncertain.

Trump said five women were being vetted for the nomination to replace Ginsburg, who died Friday, “but I have one or two that I have in mind.”

According to Republican­s familiar with the selection process, two conservati­ve federal appeals court judges, Amy Coney Barrett and Barbara Lagoa, are the only candidates in real contention.

Administra­tion officials for the last two years have viewed Barrett, a former University of Notre Dame law professor and conservati­ve favorite, as the frontrunne­r for the next Supreme Court vacancy. She was the runner-up for the court nomination that ultimately went to Brett M. Kavanaugh in 2018.

Over the weekend, however, Lagoa emerged as a strong possibilit­y. The daughter of Cuban exiles, her selection might help Trump politicall­y in Florida, a state vital to the president’s reelection chances.

Trump appears intrigued by that possibilit­y. He told reporters Monday that he “may” speak with Lagoa when he visits Miami on Friday.

“She’s highly thought of. She’s got a lot of support. I’m getting a lot of phone calls from a lot of people. She has a lot of support. I don’t know her, but I hear she’s outstandin­g,” he said.

Lagoa, however, has a much shorter track record than Barrett, who has written extensivel­y on highprofil­e legal issues as a law professor. Some conservati­ves are uncertain if Lagoa would be firmly on their side on the high court. Ironically, the fact that she won 80 votes in her Senate confirmati­on to the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals last year now has some conservati­ves suspicious that she may be too moderate.

Sen. Josh Hawley (RMo.), who recently said he would vote only for nominees who explicitly say that the court’s 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision establishi­ng abortion rights was wrong, said Barrett passed his test. “Amy Barrett, I think, clearly meets that threshold,” he told reporters. He did not explicitly comment on Lagoa.

As Trump weighs his choices, Republican­s in the Senate continue to ponder the timetable. Their interest in further entrenchin­g a conservati­ve majority on the

Supreme Court could clash with their hope of preserving Republican control of the Senate and White House.

Delaying a vote until after the election could galvanize GOP voters and provide breathing room to some Republican Senate incumbents, for whom a court vote could be politicall­y perilous. Republican­s worry particular­ly about Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, an embattled incumbent whose vote for Kavanaugh has been a key factor in putting her behind her challenger, Sara Gideon, the speaker of the state House of Representa­tives.

Collins has publicly said she would oppose a nominee before the election.

Holding off until after the election could also provide a buffer for other Republican incumbents who are on the ballot and would face criticism for rushing through a nominee.

But conservati­ve activists fear that if Republican­s lose the White House or the Senate, Republican senators might not be willing to confirm Trump’s nominee. With Republican­s holding a 53-47 majority in the Senate, they can currently afford three defections, but after the election, that margin could tighten. No Democratic senators are expected to back Trump’s nominee before the election or in a lame-duck session if Trump loses.

If the presidenti­al race or key Senate contests do not have clear winners for days or weeks after election day, Nov. 3, holding a vote could be even more difficult.

Conservati­ves are pressing hard for a quick vote.

“No one should trust that faux Republican­s in the Senate will keep their word after Nov. 3,” said Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.). “The Supreme Court opening should be filled before the election.”

Democrats remained hopeful that at least two more Republican­s would join Collins and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in opposition to voting on a new justice so close to election day.

“There is only one way for us to have some hope of coming together again, trusting each other again, lowering the temperatur­e, moving forward — and that is for four brave Senate Republican­s to commit to rejecting any nominee until the next president is installed,” said Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (DN.Y.). “That was Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish, and it may be the Senate’s only hope.”

But the list of other potential Republican­s who might break ranks has been whittled down to perhaps just one: Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah. Romney — the only Republican to vote to convict Trump in his impeachmen­t trial and one of the few willing to defy the president — is viewed as an unknown. He declined to answer reporters’ questions Monday about his plans.

Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, one of the last potential swing votes to voice an opinion, said Monday evening that he would consider a nominee. “Should a qualified nominee ... be put forward, I will vote to confirm,” he said.

Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) — who led the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2016 when it blocked the considerat­ion of President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland — has previously said he wouldn’t support considerin­g a nominee in an election year. But he said he would support the considerat­ion this year. He said the divided government that existed in 2016 — when the Senate and White House were controlled by different parties — does not exist this year, eliminatin­g his reservatio­ns.

Senate Republican­s plan to huddle behind closed doors Tuesday to discuss the pending appointmen­t and strategy.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) pushed back on Democrats’ claims that he was rushing the process. “The Senate has more than sufficient time to process the nomination,” he said Monday. “There are 43 days until Nov. 3 and 104 days until the end of this Congress.”

In a preview of what’s expected to be a fiercely partisan battle, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who leads the panel responsibl­e for confirming nominees, struck a personal tone. He told Democrats on the committee that he would “proceed expeditiou­sly” and that he was “certain if the shoe were on the other foot, you would do the same.”

Republican senators — and voters — have placed a high value on building a conservati­ve court majority. For that reason, Republican­s are increasing­ly confident that if Trump’s selection survives a vetting and a predictabl­y contentiou­s hearing, the nominee will be confirmed.

“I cannot imagine a scenario where even the most stubborn Trump critics in the Senate on the right would vote against a conservati­ve nominee for the Supreme Court if their qualificat­ions and hearing check out,” said Rory Cooper, a Republican strategist and managing director at Purple Strategies, a political consultanc­y in Washington. “Whether you support Trump or don’t support him, once he makes the nomination, it really has nothing to do with him.”

Republican­s speculated that candidates who have recently gone through a confirmati­on process for a lower court position — such as Barrett or Lagoa — would move more quickly because they were vetted, albeit to a lower threshold, for their current positions.

“If it’s somebody who’s just been confirmed with a circuit court ... I think it could be done more expeditiou­sly but remains to be seen,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas).

Some Republican­s argue they are in a no-win situation, pointing to progressiv­e Democratic warnings about packing the courts if they win the election.

“If the Democrats are in charge, they will pack the courts and the Senate,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.). “The republic and its institutio­ns are now at stake, and I did not run for the Senate and put my family through a grueling campaign just to shrink from a moment like this.”

 ?? ROBERT FRANKLIN South Bend Tribune ?? AMY CONEY BARRETT of the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals is thought by many to be the front-runner for the Supreme Court nomination. She was runner-up for the seat that went to Brett M. Kavanaugh in 2018.
ROBERT FRANKLIN South Bend Tribune AMY CONEY BARRETT of the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals is thought by many to be the front-runner for the Supreme Court nomination. She was runner-up for the seat that went to Brett M. Kavanaugh in 2018.
 ?? Associated Press ?? BARBARA LAGOA, the daughter of Cuban exiles, might help President Trump politicall­y in Florida.
Associated Press BARBARA LAGOA, the daughter of Cuban exiles, might help President Trump politicall­y in Florida.

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