Los Angeles Times

Obsessing over Trump’s base


Re “Trump’s mysterious base,” Mailbag, Sept. 19

The Los Angeles Times has devoted much ink to plumbing the mysteries of President Trump’s base. May I make a modest suggestion to fellow citizens eager to end this malignant administra­tion?

Stop. This speculatio­n is not useful.

Instead, turn your energy to what we California­ns can do that could make a difference. Because the election will be decided in a few battlegrou­nd states, we should join one of many efforts to encourage registered voters in those states that are likely to swing Democratic to vote. Research shows these efforts have small but significan­t impacts.

Barring something unexpected before November, the outlines of the election are set; the devastatin­g loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg won’t change this.

Biden will have a singledigi­t popular vote lead. Trump will have an advantage in many states, but just as important he will have several thumbs on the scale, including the electoral college, his U.S. Postal Service crony and voter suppressio­n.

We must counterbal­ance them all. Claude Goldenberg

Seal Beach

The writer who said that hate drives Trump’s base is correct.

However, it’s not hatred of Black Americans, immigrants, strong women or even liberals. Rather, it’s about hatred of liberal policies.

Connie Veldkamp

Laguna Niguel

The letter writers fail to explain why so many Americans still support Trump in spite of his many failings and transgress­ions.

Western culture’s foremost explorer of the human psyche, Sigmund Freud, had the answer more than a century ago: Our beliefs are created in our subconscio­us as wishes.

Charismati­c individual­s such as Trump are able to manipulate emotions and beliefs — and beliefs will win any and all battles with facts.

Richard Parr

Santa Monica

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