Los Angeles Times

Wildfire danger is a pressing concern

Despite bipartisan agreement on threat, Republican­s discount climate change.

- By Joseph Serna

Most polled state voters say threat is increasing. Angeles forest cabins are feared lost.

Reeling from the worst fire season in California’s history, 3 in 4 state voters say wildfires pose a greater threat today than ever before, yet they are divided sharply along party lines about what role climate change plays in the infernos, according to a new poll.

The widespread belief that California’s wildfire threat is greater now than in years past was held by 74% of surveyed voters, and included majorities of coastal and inland voters, regardless of region, age, sex and political ideology, according to a poll performed by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Government­al Studies.

“It’s a belief you don’t have to argue with people about, it’s really out there,” said Mark DiCamillo, a veteran pollster and institute director.

Deep fissures exist, however, and many of them are attributab­le to partisan politics, DiCamillo said.

About 83% of Democrats consider wildfires to be a “much more” serious threat today than in the past, while only 59% of Republican­s share that same belief, the poll found. Among those with no party preference or another party designatio­n, it was 72% and 70%, respective­ly.

Asked if climate change was a major, minor or nonexisten­t factor in contributi­ng to a greater number of California wildfires, roughly two-thirds of those polled said they considered it a major factor. That view appeared to largely align with political affiliatio­n however: 90% of Democrats said it was a major factor compared with 19% of Republican­s and 70% of voters without a party preference.

Of those polled, 46% of Republican­s and 61% of those who described themselves as “very conservati­ve” said climate change was not a factor in recent fires, even as scientists say climate change has exacerbate­d the fires due to increasing temperatur­es and drying of vegetation.

Only 2% of Democrats, 1% of people who described themselves as “very liberal” and 9% of people without a party preference said climate change was not a factor.

While it’s heartening that a majority of California­ns, including Republican­s, see the threat of wildfires has changed with time, the denial of climate change among conservati­ves indicates there is still a ways to go, said Kristina Dahl, a senior climate scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The fossil fuel industry denied climate change and its role in it for years and those doubts have been given a huge platform by President Trump and other GOP lawmakers in recent years, she said.

“Those seeds of doubt were planted very deliberate­ly and a long time ago,” Dahl said. “That’s something that pervades the public’s thinking on climate change and also provides convenient talking points to relevant authority figures who feel the same way.”

During a recent visit to California, Trump was pressed by California’s natural resources secretary, Wade Crowfoot, to acknowledg­e the role climate change played in recent fires.

“It’ll start getting cooler. You just watch,” Trump responded.

“I wish science agreed with you,” Crawfoot said.

“I don’t think science knows, actually,” Trump said.

While it’s remarkable that such a large slice of California believes the threat of wildfires is worse than in the past, DiCamillo said, it’s also notable that there’s alignment in what government can — or can’t — do to help.

About 54% of those polled said they were not confident their local, state and federal government­s would be able to protect them from wildfires, while only 10% said they were confident they could. In a unified show of skepticism, only 10% of Democrats, 12% of Republican­s and 9% of voters with no party preference said they were confident that these government­s could protect their local area from wildfire threats, the survey found.

The most skeptical, by political ideology, were very conservati­ve voters (63%) followed by somewhat conservati­ve voters (59%) and very liberal voters (58%), who all told pollsters they had no confidence in the government’s ability to help.

The results are likely a reflection of a number of truths, Dahl said. California’s forests have been undermanag­ed for generation­s, and it will take longer than 10 years to improve them. Also, the concept of wildfire mitigation is complicate­d.

Voters’ thoughts on how likely their individual communitie­s may suffer serious damage from wildfires in the next decade, meanwhile, were divided nearly evenly among those who thought it was extremely or very likely (31%), somewhat likely (30%) and not very likely (25%). Overall, more than a third of voters thought it was highly likely that residents in their local community would suffer serious damage from a wildfire in the next decade, including 8% of respondent­s who said saying they’ve already suffered such damage.

But diving into the numbers, the attitudes grew more pessimisti­c moving away from city centers and into rural settings that are most vulnerable to fire.

About 44% of Orange County residents, 38% of L.A. County residents and 33% of Central Valley residents believe it’s not likely their area will experience fire damage in the next 10 years. But 39% of rural Northern California voters, 35% San Diego and other Southern California voters and 34% of Bay Area voters believe it’s extremely or very likely that they will. About 28% of L.A. County voters believe it’s extremely or very likely wildfires will damage homes in the area in the next decade, 38% said it’s unlikely and 6% said they already have.

Nearly a quarter, 23%, of Northern California­ns told pollsters their community had already experience­d wildfire damage, and 85% of voters in that region said that wildfires posed a minor or major threat to their family living situation. About 66% of that constituen­cy also said that climate change was a major contributo­r to the wildfire threat.

Overall, while threequart­ers of California­ns believe the threat of wildfires is increasing, fewer of them thought it was a threat to their community personally. Dahl said that was not a surprise, and she’d like to see how California­ns feel in a quiet fire year, should we get another one.

“It echoes the phenomenon we see nationally ... many more people feel global warming will affect someone else [rather] than it will affect them personally,” Dahl said. “Whether this is human nature, wishful thinking that we’ll be excepted from the tragedy of climate change or whether people believe they have a greater deal of resilience, there can be a lot of complex factors into a response to that question.”

As of Thursday, some 8,000 wildfires have burned at least 3.6 million acres and killed 26 people in California this year while destroying more than 6,600 buildings.

The Berkeley IGS poll, supervised by DiCamillo, was administer­ed online in English and Spanish from Sept. 9-15 among 7,198 registered California voters. The margin of error for the full sample is estimated at roughly 2 percentage points. Further details on the poll questions and data can be found at the Berkeley IGS website.

 ?? Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times ?? WHILE Democrats and those with no party preference are most worried about the threat from wildfires growing each year, even 59% of Republican­s share that belief, a new statewide poll found. Above, crews battle the Bobcat fire near Mt. Wilson on Tuesday.
Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times WHILE Democrats and those with no party preference are most worried about the threat from wildfires growing each year, even 59% of Republican­s share that belief, a new statewide poll found. Above, crews battle the Bobcat fire near Mt. Wilson on Tuesday.
 ?? Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times ?? WHILE Democrats and nonaffilia­ted voters see climate change as a major driver in the scale of wildfires like the Bobcat fire, above, Republican­s remain skeptical, influenced by GOP leaders, one climate scientist says.
Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times WHILE Democrats and nonaffilia­ted voters see climate change as a major driver in the scale of wildfires like the Bobcat fire, above, Republican­s remain skeptical, influenced by GOP leaders, one climate scientist says.

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