Los Angeles Times

No shield for chaos

Alex Gibney and his team deliver a damning indictment of Trump’s pandemic response in a new documentar­y, ‘ Totally Under Control’


BY JUSTIN CHANG FILM CRITIC >>> The last thing we see in “Totally Under Control” is a title card noting that President Trump has tested positive for the coronaviru­s. This will of course not come as news, let alone a spoiler, to anyone.

In the whiplash- inducing days since that diagnosis, the public and the media have struggled to keep up with every jaw- dropping new developmen­t — a stint at Walter Reed, an imbecilic joyride, a dramatic return- home video that should have been titled “Triumph of the Ill” — even as an extraordin­ary outbreak has surged through the White House and the upper echelons of Republican leadership.

And so it is hardly the fault of this breathless, incisive and thoroughly infuriatin­g movie that it already feels a touch out of date.

How could it not? Even Alex Gibney, nonfiction cinema’s most prolific issue chaser, could hardly be expected to keep up with the dizzying downward spiral of a nation in the grip of an unshakable illness. And that illness, with apologies to Susan Sontag, is not the coronaviru­s so much as Trumpism itself.

With calm, excoriatin­g precision, the movie argues that the administra­tion’s calamitous non- response ensured that a formidable viral threat would become a debilitati­ng one, marked by a devastatin­g economic collapse and the deaths of more than 200,000 Americans and counting.

Playing this week at select drive- in venues before it hits video on demand Oct. 13 and Hulu on Oct. 20, “Totally Under Control” is both a slow- motion tragedy and a sickening rush; it compresses roughly nine months of steadily mounting tension and chaotic freefall into two hours. That’s a pretty concentrat­ed dose of outrage, and maybe a redundant one for anyone who’s been following the news. But even with the occasional repeti

Not rated Running time: 2 hours, 3 minutes Playing: Starts Friday at Vineland Drive- In, City of Industry; available Tuesday on VOD platforms and Oct. 20 on Hulu.

 ?? Neon ?? HEALTHCARE workers in a scene from “Totally Under Control.” The documentar­y underwent a major last- minute update, E2 .
Neon HEALTHCARE workers in a scene from “Totally Under Control.” The documentar­y underwent a major last- minute update, E2 .

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