Los Angeles Times

Trump resorts to 2016 playbook

Agent tells of similar plot by suspects in alleged plan to kidnap Michigan’s Whitmer.


He is still attacking Hillary Clinton and inspiring rally cries of “Lock her up!”

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Members of anti- government paramilita­ry groups discussed kidnapping Virginia’s governor during a June meeting in Ohio, an FBI agent testified Tuesday during a court hearing for a group of men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan’s governor.

Special Agent Richard Trask also revealed new details about investigat­ors’ use of confidenti­al informants, undercover agents and encrypted communicat­ion to arrest and charge six men last week in the plot aimed at Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan.

Tuesday’s hearing was to review investigat­ors’ evidence against Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta and to determine if they should be detained before trial. The men are all from Michigan.

A sixth man, Barry Croft, was being held in Delaware.

The FBI discovered the June 6 meeting in Dublin, Ohio, during an investigat­ion of various anti- government groups, leading to the months- long case in Michigan that relied on confidenti­al sources, undercover agents and clandestin­e recordings to foil the alleged kidnapping conspiracy.

It was not immediatel­y clear whether talk of targeting Virginia’s Democratic governor went beyond the June meeting, and nothing from a criminal complaint or from Trask’s testimony Tuesday indicated that anyone had been charged with plotting against Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam.

Trask said members of anti- government groups from “four or f ive” states attended that meeting, and the complaint noted that Croft and Fox were among the roughly 15 people who were there.

“They discussed possible targets, taking a sitting governor, specifical­ly issues with the governor of Michigan and Virginia based on the lockdown orders,” Trask said. He said the people at the meeting were unhappy with the governors’ response to the COVID- 19 pandemic.

During a news conference Tuesday, Northam, also a Democrat, said he wasn’t going to discuss the alleged plot and stressed that he and his family feel safe with the security the state police provide.

“I’m continuing my work for the commonweal­th as I would any other day.”

Earlier on Tuesday, Northam’s spokeswoma­n, Alena Yarmosky, issued a statement in which she said the FBI alerted key members of the governor’s security team throughout the course of its investigat­ion, but neither Northam nor members of his staff were informed, as per security protocols for highly classified informatio­n.

She said that the governor and his family were never believed to be in imminent danger, and that there have been enhanced security measures in place for them for quite a while.

“Here’s the reality: President Trump called upon his supporters to ‘ LIBERATE VIRGINIA’ in April — just like Michigan. In fact, the President regularly encourages violence against those who disagree with him. The rhetoric coming out of this White House has serious and potentiall­y deadly consequenc­es. It must stop,” Yarmosky said in a news release.

Trump urged supporters to “LIBERATE” Michigan, Virginia and Minnesota in a series of tweets in April, encouragin­g protesters — many of them armed — who turned up at state Capitols to oppose restrictio­ns aimed at minimizing the spread of the coronaviru­s.

After the arrests last week, the White House said the president has condemned hate, and Trump tweeted: “I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence.”

In the Michigan case, authoritie­s said the men were trying to retaliate because of what they viewed as Whitmer’s “uncontroll­ed power” during the COVID- 19 pandemic.

Some defendants conducted coordinate­d surveillan­ce of the governor’s vacation home in northern Michigan in August and September, according to a criminal complaint. Authoritie­s said four of the men had planned to meet last week to pay for explosives and exchange tactical gear.

Defense attorneys for several of the men used their opportunit­y to question Trask about the investigat­ion to suggest that their clients were “big talkers” who didn’t intend to follow through with action.

During investigat­ions of paramilita­ry- type groups, “you find a lot of people who talk about things, but they’re never a threat to do anything. It’s fairly common in these groups?” Scott Graham, attorney for Franks, asked Trask. “Big talk between crackpots — you’ve seen that, haven’t you? People who talk a lot, brashly, boldly, but are never going to do anything about that talk?”

Graham described Franks as a “follower, not a leader” and argued that he shouldn’t be detained before trial. He said Franks was a drug addict but had turned his life around and said there is “no evidence whatsoever” that he would be a f light risk.

But Assistant U. S. Atty. Nils Kessler countered that it was a “serious plot” and argued that Franks should not be released. “There’s a serious public safety risk,” he said, not disputing that Franks was more of a follower than the men who allegedly led the plot.

During a break, Gary Springstea­d, an attorney for Garbin, told reporters outside the courthouse that the allegation­s were “serious.”

“Anyone who is facing a charge like this would be very concerned,” Springstea­d said. “Literally your life and liberty are on the line.”

Whitmer, who was considered as Joe Biden’s running mate and is nearly halfway through a four- year term, has been widely praised for her response to the coronaviru­s outbreak but also sharply criticized by Republican lawmakers and people in conservati­ve areas of her state. The Capitol has been the site of many rallies, including ones with gun- toting protesters calling for her ouster.

Michigan, especially the Detroit area, was particular­ly hit hard by the virus early on during the pandemic, leading Whitmer to put major restrictio­ns on personal movement and the economy, although many of those limits have been lifted since the spring.

Fox, who was described as one of the leaders, was living in the basement of a vacuum shop in Grand Rapids. The owner said Fox was opposed to wearing a mask during the pandemic and kept f irearms and ammunition at the store.

Trask, the FBI agent, also testified Tuesday that Fox said in a post- arrest interview that he considered taking Whitmer from her vacation home out onto Lake Michigan and stranding her there on a disabled boat.

Fox did not wear a mask during Tuesday’s hearing. The other four men did wear coverings; all f ive wore shackles on their hands and feet during the hearing.

The defendants face up to life in prison if convicted.

Seven others linked to a paramilita­ry group called the Wolverine Watchmen were charged in state court with seeking to storm the Michigan Capitol and providing material support for terrorist acts by seeking a “civil war.”

The investigat­ion is ongoing.

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