Los Angeles Times


Ridley- Thomas sends Yoo cease- and- desist letter over domain name registrati­on.

- By Dakota Smith

The race to represent parts of South L. A. and Koreatown on the Los Angeles City Council is turning acrimoniou­s following the launch of an attack website and accusation­s of cybersquat­ting.

Grace Yoo, a candidate for the Council District 10 seat, last week launched MarkRidley­Thomas.com, which criticizes Yoo’s rival in the race, L. A. County Supervisor Mark Ridley- Thomas. The site includes news coverage of the supervisor, including a Times story about a probe involving his son and donations to USC. The site also attacks the supervisor for not ruling out a potential run for mayor in 2022.

Ridley- Thomas’s team responded by sending Yoo a cease- and- desist letter that accuses her of “cybserquat­ting” and defaming him with the website.

“You have intentiona­lly prevented our client from registerin­g a website domain name in his own personal name,” wrote Stephen J. Kaufman, attorney for Ridley- Thomas, in an Oct. 9 letter.

“And, by illegally setting up this website, you have confused and lured unsuspecti­ng members of the public who were seeking to access online informatio­n from our client to your own fraudulent website in order to assault them with false and defamatory statements about Supervisor Ridley- Thomas.”

Ridley- Thomas and Yoo were the top vote- getters in the March election, pushing them into a November runoff for the 10th District, which stretches from Koreatown to the Crenshaw Corridor and takes in such neighborho­ods as West Adams and Mid- City.

The race is turning out to be an insider vs. outside face- off, with Ridley- Thomas highlighti­ng his decadeslon­g experience in political office and Yoo casting herself as a f ighter for regular citizens.

Reached Tuesday, Yoo dismissed Kaufman’s letter.

“Defamatory? Give me a break,” Yoo said. She said the website makes clear that it isn’t run by Ridley- Thomas. Yoo said she registered the domain name in May 2020 after discoverin­g it was available.

Ridley- Thomas’ attorney also last week sent a letter to the director of the city’s Ethics Commission, accusing Yoo’s campaign of failing to f ile in a timely manner copies of campaign materials with the city. The letter was provided by Ridley- Thomas’ campaign.

City law requires candidates that send out campaign advertisem­ents to 200 people or more to file copies of those advertisem­ents with the city within 24 hours. Yoo distribute­d door hangers, lawn signs and digital advertisem­ents in late September but failed to report them to the city, according to Kaufman’s letter.

“We, therefore, request that the city Ethics Commission investigat­e and prosecute these violations of the city’s campaign disclosure laws,” Kaufman wrote.

Yoo said Tuesday that she reported the digital advertisem­ent with the city in a timely fashion.

Yoo said the door hangers were left over from the primary race. She said she already f iled documents with the city about the distributi­on of those hangers during the primary, but is investigat­ing whether she needs to file additional documents.

She said the lawn signs were also left over from the primary and she gave out less than 120 of them.

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