Los Angeles Times

The Azerbaijan­Armenia conflict


Re “Peace in the South Caucasus,” editorial, Oct. 8

Nagorno- Karabakh is not a disputed territory. It is an integral part of Azerbaijan, recognized as such by the internatio­nal community. In the early 1990s, Armenia illegally invaded, occupied and ethnically cleansed 20% of Azerbaijan’s sovereign territory, including NagornoKar­abakh and seven surroundin­g districts, and expelled 800,000 Azerbaijan­is from their ancestral lands.

The United Nations Security Council demanded that Armenian forces be withdrawn. Armenia refused to comply, and the U. N. did nothing to enforce its own resolution­s. Thirty years and hundreds of peace negotiatio­ns later, Azerbaijan’s territorie­s are still under Armenia’s illegal military occupation, and all those Azerbaijan­i civilians remain displaced.

Since Sept. 27, Armenia’s armed forces have been shelling Azerbaijan­i civilians. As a result, at least 41 Azerbaijan­i civilians, including three children, have been killed. In response, Azerbaijan is defending itself.

For peace to materializ­e, Armenia needs to withdraw its armed forces from Azerbaijan’s occupied territorie­s, as demanded by the United Nations, which would allow Azerbaijan­is forcibly displaced to return to their homes. Then, the Azerbaijan­i and Armenian communitie­s of Nagorno- Karabakh will build together a peaceful and prosperous future together.

Armenians and Azerbaijan­is have lived peacefully in Nagorno- Karabakh and other parts of Azerbaijan for many centuries. This is not a religious or an ethnic conflict.

Our call is for the U. S. and other powers to ensure respect for internatio­nal law and convince Armenia to withdraw its forces from Azerbaijan’s occupied territorie­s so that peace between our two nations can be restored. Nasimi Aghayev

Los Angeles The writer is the consul general of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles.

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