Los Angeles Times

EU sanctions Russians over poisoning


BRUSSELS — The European Union and Britain imposed sanctions Thursday on six Russians, including some of the nation’s highestran­ked officials, and on one organizati­on over the poisoning of opposition politician Alexei Navalny with a Soviet- era nerve agent.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas of Germany, which holds the EU’s rotating presidency, said that “only with a clear position and by sticking to principles can we as the European Union make progress with respect to Russia.”

The sanctions consist of a travel ban to the EU and an asset freeze for the targeted individual­s and organizati­on, the EU said.

The list includes Alexander Bortnikov, the chief of Russia’s Federal Security Service, the KGB successor agency in charge of domestic security; and Sergei Kiriyenko, President Vladimir Putin’s deputy chief of staff. The EU is also targeting the State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology.

Britain, which formally left the European Union this year, said it would also apply the EU sanctions.

“Any use of chemical weapons by the Russian state violates internatio­nal law. We are determined to hold those responsibl­e to account,” British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said.

Russian officials have repeatedly denied any involvemen­t in the poisoning, and the Russian doctors who f irst examined Navalny insist that there were no signs of poisoning.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the EU’s move “a deliberate unfriendly step” and said the bloc had “inf licted damage” on its relations with Russia.

“Moscow will analyze the situation and will act in accordance with its own interests,” Peskov said.

EU foreign ministers agreed Monday to impose the sanctions after a push by France and Germany. The legal procedures for implementi­ng the sanctions were completed Thursday.

French Foreign Minister Jean- Yves Le Drian said the EU had acted “with exceptiona­l speed, in keeping with the seriousnes­s of this act and the methods used.”

Navalny fell ill Aug. 20 in Russia. He was f lown to Germany for treatment and is still recovering there.

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