Los Angeles Times

Mr. Mayor goes to Washington? L. A.’ s Garcetti says it’s unlikely

- By Dakota Smith and Benjamin Oreskes

Mayor Eric Garcetti f loated himself as a possible presidenti­al candidate for 18 months before telling Angelenos last year he wouldn’t run because he wanted to “f inish the job” of running L. A.

Now, Garcetti could face another job prospect.

The mayor did not provide a definitive answer Wednesday when asked by The Times whether he’d like to join a Joe Biden Cabinet should the Democratic candidate be elected president. Garcetti endorsed Biden earlier this year when the prospects for his nomination were uncertain, and serves as a co- chair of his campaign.

Garcetti, whose term ends in 2022, said that “it’s more likely than not” that he’ll be L. A.’ s mayor in two years.

“But I always look at it very openly about, you know, what can I help the most people with?” he added.

Various publicatio­ns have suggested he could be named to head the Department of Transporta­tion or the Housing and Urban Developmen­t Department, despite a mixed record on both transporta­tion and homelessne­ss.

If an offer from the White House does come, it wouldn’t be the f irst time. Garcetti was asked by President Obama to serve in the White House overseeing urban policy, but the thencounci­lman turned it down to run for mayor in 2013.

Cameron French, a spokesman for the Biden transition team, said

Wednesday that no personnel decisions were being made before the election. The Biden campaign declined to comment. Garcetti has traveled to two debates during the pandemic and said Wednesday that he’s working “very hard as cochair” for Biden. He also served on the vetting team that helped pick Sen. Kamala Harris ( D- Calif.) as Biden’s running mate. The Washington Post reported that the vetting team logged more than 120 hours on the process.

Asked how much time he’s spending running the city these days, Garcetti said “there’s been no reduction in my hours whatsoever.”

The mayor also said Wednesday that he “doesn’t have a secret plan to get to Washington.”

Over the last four years, Garcetti has at points traveled extensivel­y out of state, launched a nonprofit focused on spurring economic developmen­t across the country, raised money for the Democratic Party in key voting states, and compared himself to presidenti­al candidates, all suggesting to some he is squarely focused on one day getting to the White House.

Whoever does get to Washington needs to expand the Section 8 housing program so that everyone who qualifies can receive rental support, Garcetti said Wednesday.

“It weighs heavy on me that I think no mayor by him or herself is going to be able to singlehand­edly solve homelessne­ss,” he said. “And I think even a city and county at their best are going to be hard- pressed to solve this.”

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