Los Angeles Times

Denials, lawsuits slow transition

Trump team withholds help, resources as Biden moves forward

- By Chris Megerian and Eli Stokols

WASHINGTON — As the morning sun bathed the White House grounds on an unseasonab­ly warm November Monday, the rattle of constructi­on could be heard nearby as workers began erecting the viewing stands for the next president’s inaugural ceremony.

But inside the building, President Trump was still refusing to acknowledg­e that it would be Joe Biden, not him, taking the oath of office on Jan. 20.

Two days after Biden’s victory became clear, Trump continued to sulk out of sight, tweeting baseless allegation­s of fraud in some states and suggesting he didn’t really lose in others.

“Wisconsin is looking very good,” he wrote, and “Georgia will be a big presidenti­al win.” But Pennsylvan­ia’s vote- counting process was “unthinkabl­e and illegal,” he claimed, while “Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes.” “Stay tuned!” Trump’s administra­tion is refusing to cooperate with Biden’s transition team, withholdin­g federal resources that normally f low freely after a campaign ends. The agency that manages the transfer of power, the General Services Administra­tion, said “an ascertainm­ent has not yet been made” that the election is over.

The delay has left Biden with only bare- bones assistance as he prepares to take office amid a global pandemic and a nationwide recession.

“America’s national security and economic interests depend on the federal government signaling clearly and swiftly that the United States government will respect the will of the American people and engage in a smooth and peaceful transfer of power,” said Cameron French, a spokesman for the Biden transition team.

Timothy A. Naftali, a historian at New York University, said this is the f irst time in American history that a defeated president has refused to recognize the outcome of an election.

“Trump’s petulance is hurting the country, because we need the next government to be as prepared as possible,” Naftali said.

The president’s unsubstant­iated claims about voter fraud received some validation from Atty. Gen. William Barr, who sent a letter to federal prosecutor­s authorizin­g them to “pursue substantia­l allegation­s of voting and vote tabulation irregulari­ties” before election results are officially certified. Barr wrote that the Justice Department has not concluded “that voting irregulari­ties have impacted the outcome of any election,” but “clear and apparently credible allegation­s” should be swiftly investigat­ed if there’s a possibilit­y they played a decisive role.

The president appeared focused on a multi- state legal assault against the election results. His campaign sued Pennsylvan­ia election officials on Monday, alleging that Republican observers were kept too far away to properly watch how ballots were being processed. The lawsuit also said rules on

how voters could f ix problems with mail ballots were unevenly applied, making it easier for Democrats than Republican­s to make sure their votes counted.

At the announceme­nt of the lawsuit at the Republican National Committee’s Washington office, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany — who said she was appearing in her personal capacity — suggested that Pennsylvan­ia off icials and Democrats are “welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting.” Fox News swiftly cut away, with host Neil Cavuto telling viewers, “Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenanc­e continue showing you this.”

So far Trump’s legal offensive has failed to gain traction. Judges quickly rejected his team’s lawsuits in Georgia, Michigan and Nevada in the days after voting ended. Another one in Arizona remains ongoing, alleging that voters received improper instructio­ns about how to use voting machines.

It’s unlikely that any of the lawsuits have called into question enough votes to swing the results. Biden leads Trump by roughly 45,000 votes in Pennsylvan­ia, 15,000 in Arizona, 36,000 in Nevada and 146,000 in Michigan.

At the president’s campaign headquarte­rs in Rosslyn, Va., top officials tried to reassure staff that plans to contest the election were ongoing. “We’re still in this fight,” said Bill Stepien, the campaign manager, according to a source present at the meeting.

The campaign has not

ruled out holding postelecti­on political rallies, with Trump continuing to assert that he has won, but so far there are no plans for the president to hit the road. Tim Murtaugh, the campaign’s communicat­ions director, said they’re looking for “organic shows of support” such as boat parades.

The staff plastered campaign headquarte­rs with a purported front page of the Washington Times from 2000 that announced “President Gore,” intended to suggest the media shouldn’t rush to call the outcome of any election. But the front page was fake, and the campaign was embarrasse­d when Murtaugh tweeted out — then deleted — pictures of it covering the office walls. The pages were taken down at the headquarte­rs as well, the campaign source said, and Stepien was frustrated by the “amateurish” effort.

As Trump refuses to accept the election result, he’s demanded that the rest of the Republican Party indulge his denial. Most have obliged, by either supporting the president or remaining quiet about their misgivings.

Vice President Mike Pence tweeted that he told his team “it ain’t over til it’s over ... and this AIN’T over!” And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ( R- Ky.) broke his silence to say that he supports Trump’s attempts to challenge the results.

“President Trump is 100% within his rights to look into allegation­s of irregulari­ties and weigh his legal options,” he said on the Senate f loor.

Yet while McConnell re

fused to acknowledg­e Biden’s victory, he hosted an event on Capitol Hill for Republican Senate candidates who won their races.

Other members of Trump’s party continued to make inf lammatory and unsubstant­iated allegation­s about voting problems.

Matt Schlapp, head of the American Conservati­ve Union, said without providing any evidence that he heard from a whistleblo­wer, whom he did not name, that a van from Biden’s campaign pulled up to an election office in Nevada while officials were counting votes. “The doors of the van were open, ballots were clearly visible, ballots were open with letter openers, and ballots were refilled and sealed in envelopes,” he said.

Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeff ler, Republican­s from Georgia who both face runoff elections Jan. 5 because they fell short of the majority vote required under state law, demanded that their state’s top elections official, also a Republican, resign from his post. Biden is leading in the state by a slim 12,000 votes, and there could be a recount.

“There have been too many failures in Georgia elections this year and the most recent election has shined a national light on the problems,” the two senators said.

Neither Perdue nor Loeff ler specified any problems, and a Trump campaign lawsuit alleging that late- arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with ones delivered on time was rejected last week.

Trump’s team, which was short on cash near the end of the presidenti­al race, has turned the attack on the election into a fundraisin­g opportunit­y. “The blatant voter fraud throughout corrupt Democrat- run cities is unpreceden­ted,” said one of several emails blasted out to supporters. “The Left has proven that there is nothing they will not do to rip power away from the American People.”

The f ine print on the donation page said more than half of the money would go toward retiring the campaign’s debt, not to legal battles.

“I would look at any effort to raise money at this point with serious skepticism, especially when they’re sending out 15 emails a day,” said Rick Tyler, a Republican consultant and Trump critic who worked on the 2016 presidenti­al campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz ( R- Texas). “It’s clear that they’re either retiring debt or worse, but I expect little or no money will actually be spent trying to reverse the result of the election.”

Trump’s denial about the election result echoed his denial about the threat of the coronaviru­s, which was once again spreading within his inner circle. Multiple people who attended the president’s election- night event inside the White House — where few wore masks or kept their distance from one another — have tested positive in recent days.

They include Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, a handful of other staff members and David Bossie, who was recently named to lead the campaign’s legal effort. Also infected was Ben Carson, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t. Deputy Chief of Staff Coalter Baker said Carson “is in good spirits and feels fortunate to have access to effective therapeuti­cs which aid and markedly speed his recovery.”

Meanwhile, after weeks of reports that Trump might engage in a postelecti­on purge of administra­tion officials seen as insufficie­ntly loyal, on Monday afternoon he abruptly f ired Defense Secretary Mark Esper, tweeting that the Pentagon chief “has been terminated.” Esper had angered the president this year by resisting his desire to crack down on racial justice protests with active- duty military forces.

 ?? Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times ?? VISITORS watch the sunset at Tongva Park in Santa Monica on Monday, all wearing face coverings. As coronaviru­s cases surge in the U. S., including L. A. County, masks are seen as key in slowing down the spread.
Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times VISITORS watch the sunset at Tongva Park in Santa Monica on Monday, all wearing face coverings. As coronaviru­s cases surge in the U. S., including L. A. County, masks are seen as key in slowing down the spread.
 ?? Carolyn Kaster Associated Press ?? PRESIDENT- ELECT Joe Biden is preparing to take off ice with bare- bones cooperatio­n that normally would f low freely during the transfer of power.
Carolyn Kaster Associated Press PRESIDENT- ELECT Joe Biden is preparing to take off ice with bare- bones cooperatio­n that normally would f low freely during the transfer of power.
 ?? Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times ?? THE TRUMP administra­tion is refusing to cooperate with Democrat Joe Biden’s transition team as it prepares for a new president to move into the White House.
Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times THE TRUMP administra­tion is refusing to cooperate with Democrat Joe Biden’s transition team as it prepares for a new president to move into the White House.

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