Los Angeles Times

A celebratio­n we needed


Re “State erupts to BidenHarri­s win,” Nov. 8

The last time we saw an unbridled, spontaneou­s, countrywid­e celebratio­n similar to the one that erupted after former Vice President Joe Biden’s victory over President Trump was 9 1⁄ years ago.

2 It was on May 2, 2011, and it began inside the White House with President Obama’s solemn, determined walk down the red carpet to a podium. He started quickly, simply and directly:

“Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsibl­e for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.”

Across our great country, pandemoniu­m erupted. We were one. I’m thrilled to see that again Saturday and pray for a similar outcome of unity. Cy Bolton


These last four years I wrote letter after letter in my head to the Los Angeles Times. They were letters of despair and incredulit­y, and I never sent them.

I knew that no matter my commentary, we’d probably see repeated or even worse acts by this president and members of his administra­tion. Finally, I sent you this letter because it stems from optimism.

What struck me while watching the celebratio­ns was whom I was seeing — there were Black, brown and white people, men and women with purple hair, people holding LGBTQ pride f lags and individual­s old and young.

True to Biden’s word, every vote counted. Diane Berk


The most striking thing about the victory speeches by Biden and Vice President- elect Kamala Harris was their acknowledg­ment of their place in time and the vast array of people who came before, who helped them, guided them, modeled for them and loved them.

By extension, we are all included. We all have a place on the historic timeline. It is not all about that last guy and his me, me, me.

Elaine Mintzer Manhattan Beach

What’s the biggest takeaway from the 2020 presidenti­al election?

It’s that on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021, the Democrats of this nation will not be governed by a man who hates them.

And guess what? Neither will the Republican­s.

R. C. Price San Clemente

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