Los Angeles Times

Venezuela’s leader claims victory in boycotted vote

With win, President Nicolás Maduro gains control of all branches of the government.


CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s political alliance claimed a sweeping victory Monday in congressio­nal elections that were boycotted by the most inf luential opposition politician­s and criticized internatio­nally as being fraudulent.

The win gives Maduro control of the last major branch of government outside his grasp. It plays out in the waning days of the Trump administra­tion, which is preparing to exit with Maduro f irmly entrenched despite its efforts to bring about his departure through diplomacy and sanctions.

“We have recovered the National Assembly with the majority vote of the Venezuelan people,” Maduro said in a televised address. “It’s a great victory without a doubt for democracy.”

Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela and allied parties captured 67% of seats in the National Assembly in Sunday’s election, said Indira Alfonzo, president of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council. Just 31% of the 20 million registered voters participat­ed in the election, she said.

The National Assembly has been led by Juan Guaidó, who has tried to oust Maduro for nearly two years. Guaidó is backed by the U. S. and dozens of other nations that consider Maduro’s presidency illegitima­te.

The election’s outcome, however, appears to weaken both Maduro’s standing, which has decreased because of the accusation­s of a rigged election, and Guaidó, whose legal claim to the presidency has hinged on his role as National Assembly head. Guaidó's popularity has been fading amid his failed attempts to oust Maduro.

The opposition boycott stems from a Supreme Court ruling this year appointing a new election commission, including three members who have been sanctioned by the U. S. and Canada, without participat­ion of the opposition- led Congress, as the law requires.

The court also removed the leadership of three opposition parties — including Guaidó’s — and appointed new leaders whom the opposition accuses of conspiring to support Maduro.

A small number of opposition parties not associated with Guaidó held a dialogue with the government and participat­ed in the election. Critics say this allowed Maduro to maintain the veneer of a valid contest.

Maduro campaigned for his party’s candidates — including his son and wife — promising to f inally silence the right- wing opposition, which he accuses of inciting violent street protests and inviting U. S. sanctions.

The election comes amid uncertaint­y over the impending change of U. S. administra­tion. Like outgoing President Trump, President- elect Joe Biden has called Maduro a “dictator,” though it’s unclear what approach his administra­tion will take toward Venezuela’s crisis.

Despite Venezuela’s political turmoil, voting took place with no apparent problems in Caracas, the capital, where polling places were operated by civilian militia members and armed soldiers alongside election workers.

As a light f low of voters entered the polls, long lines of drivers throughout the city waited to fuel up their cars as the oil- rich nation struggles to produce gasoline to meet domestic demands.

Guaidó’s opposition movement is holding its own referendum over several days immediatel­y after the election. It will ask Venezuelan­s whether they want to end Maduro’s rule and hold new presidenti­al elections.

“Although I cannot promise a magic solution today, I can tell you, with certainty and security, you are not alone. We will not give up,” Guaidó said in a video message. “We are going to give everything until we win.”

Surveys indicate that neither Maduro nor Guaidó is popular among Venezuelan­s, whose nation sits atop the world’s largest oil reserves but is plunging deeper into economic and political crisis.

Karol Teran, a nurse and single mother on her way to work in Caracas, said she didn’t vote because it would have no effect. The election is controlled, she said.

“I don’t feel like wasting my time, giving these people the opportunit­y, so I simply don’t vote,” she said. “We’re tired of all this. I’m tired of all of this. It’s not easy.”

She said she was still considerin­g whether to participat­e in the opposition’s referendum.

More than 5 million people have f led the country in recent years, the world’s largest migration after that of war- torn Syria. The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund projects a 25% decline this year in Venezuela’s GDP, while hyperinfla­tion shrinks the value of its currency, the bolivar, which is now worth less than one- millionth of a dollar on the free market.

Maduro, the handpicked successor of the late President Hugo Chávez, won a second term in 2018. But his political adversarie­s and scores of nations, including the U. S., reject his legitimacy, alleging that the vote was rigged and his most popular challenger­s were banned.

Guaidó, 37, vowed to oust 58- year- old Maduro early last year, basing his claim to the interim presidency on his leadership of the National Assembly, whose term legally ends in early January under the constituti­on.

The Trump administra­tion and other countries led support of Guaidó and have said they will continue to support him in the absence of what they consider fair elections.

Washington has hit Maduro and his political allies with sanctions, and the U. S. Justice Department has indicted Maduro as a “narco- terrorist,” offering a $ 15- million reward for his arrest.

U. S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo said that Sunday’s election was fraudulent.

“The results announced by the illegitima­te Maduro regime will not ref lect the will of the Venezuelan people,” he said on Twitter. “What’s happening today is a fraud and a sham, not an election.”

Internatio­nal bodies such as the European Union have refused to send observers to Sunday’s election, saying the conditions for a democratic process don’t exist.

Maduro’s government invited sympatheti­c internatio­nal observers, including former President Evo Morales of Bolivia and former Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa. Others included a group of men who identified themselves as Turkish lawmakers.

 ?? Matias Delacroix Associated Press ?? A VOTER casts her ballot in Caracas, Venezuela. Just 31% voted in the congressio­nal election Sunday. Internatio­nal bodies refused to send observers, saying the conditions for a democratic process don’t exist.
Matias Delacroix Associated Press A VOTER casts her ballot in Caracas, Venezuela. Just 31% voted in the congressio­nal election Sunday. Internatio­nal bodies refused to send observers, saying the conditions for a democratic process don’t exist.

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