Los Angeles Times

GOP devised plan to claim House races

- By Jennifer Haberkorn

California Republican­s recaptured four seats by targeting Asian American voters and winning ticket- splitters.

WASHINGTON — After narrowly losing a congressio­nal seat to Democrat Gil Cisneros in 2018, Republican Young Kim focused her comeback effort on the burgeoning Asian American enclaves of Orange County.

Kim, who was born in South Korea, worked with allies to register Asian American voters. Phonebanki­ng and postcard- writing drives were set up in English, Korean and Chinese. Korean- speaking volunteers were dispatched to the doors of Korean American voters, and ads went up in ethnic media and on radio.

Over two years, the number of Korean American voters registered in her district jumped by more than 40%, and the number of Korean Americans who voted nearly doubled to 16,759. Kim called it the fulfillmen­t of a promise Asian American supporters made to her two years ago to redouble their efforts in a rematch. “They acted on their promises,” she said. “The Asian community really came out in force.”

Kim was one of four Republican­s who won congressio­nal races in California this year, delivering the largest GOP gains in the party’s congressio­nal ranks in 40 years. It was the result of aggressive­ly targeting Asian American voters in two of the districts, knocking on doors during the pandemic when Democrats would not, and talking a sizable fraction of Joe Biden voters into supporting a Republican for Congress.

Republican­s showed “we were the ones that were wanting to get something done and work across the aisle,” said Republican David Valadao, a former congressma­n who recaptured a Central Valley seat from Democratic Rep. T. J. Cox.

All of the GOP gains came in districts that Biden won: the 39th and 48th congressio­nal districts in Orange County, the 25th in Ventura and Los Angeles counties and the 21st in the Central Valley. Millions of dollars poured into each race, placing several of them in the ranks of the most expensive House races in the country.

Democrats were counting on widespread fervor against President Trump — which led them to huge 2018 victories — as a means of maintainin­g their new turf this year. But the reality was that Trump drove record turnout on both sides.

Although some of those Republican- and independen­t- leaning voters cast ballots for Biden, that support didn’t completely translate down- ballot to his fellow Democrats running for Congress. In three of the four districts ( the 21st, 25th and 39th), Biden led Trump by 10 percentage points, yet the House Republican candidate won by about 1 percentage point, representi­ng a significan­t falloff. In the 48th, the most conservati­ve of the four, the f igures were much closer.

Each of the four seats f lipped to Democratic control in 2018 amid a wave election that was largely a repudiatio­n of Trump. Only time will tell whether Republican­s can maintain their support in the districts or whether the areas are up for grabs every two years.

“Historical­ly, these four have been Republican seats,” said Darry Sragow, a longtime Democratic political strategist and publisher of the California Target Book, who said the GOP gains are not the sign of a comeback for the party. “The fact that they’re back in Republican hands should under no circumstan­ces be viewed as an unexpected and shocking developmen­t.”

Republican­s recruited candidates who resonated with voters, Democrats acknowledg­e. Kim, along with Michelle Steel in the 48th District, will be among the first Korean American women elected to Congress. They will both represent districts with sizable Asian American population­s. Valadao, the former member of Congress, retained strong name recognitio­n in the Central Valley. And Mike Garcia is a Latino former Navy f ighter pilot. “I would be hard- pressed to f ind a candidate who tests better with voters,” Sragow said of Garcia.

Although each race was slightly different, Republican­s positioned themselves as the answer to a gridlocked Washington. They accused Democrats of trying to defund the police and of supporting socialism — messages that Democrats reject as false but which appear to have resonated with Asian American voters in the 39th and 48th districts, with the expansive Latino population in the 21st District and with voters who had law enforcemen­t or military background­s in the 25th. Meanwhile, Republican­s tiptoed around their support for Trump, saying they didn’t always agree with him, and then redirected the focus to local issues.

Republican­s also took advantage of frustratio­n with Sacramento and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s pandemic closures, especially in the race against former Assemblywo­man Christy Smith in the 25th District.

“I think people were just annoyed at government in general,” Smith said, recalling that she predicted in the spring that pandemic fatigue would “absolutely show at the ballot box and I think that we saw that. It was a challenge for sure.”

Steel microtarge­ted Asian Americans, who make up about 18% of her district. She pursued Korean American voters in particular, as well as Vietnamese American voters, who are perhaps the most conservati­ve ethnic subset of Asian Americans. Like Kim, Steel had expansive in- language outreach efforts and campaign ads.

It proved effective. In the portions of the district that have a strong Vietnamese population, Steel logged a 14percenta­ge- point gain over the election showing in 2018 of former Rep. Dana Rohrabache­r, the Republican who lost the seat.

“Vietnamese Americans, they are very patriotic, but until now, not that many candidates really reached out to them,” Steel said. “They see me as a f irst- generation, same as them, that I came here for freedom and I want to represent them and I understand f irst- generation immigrants. I think they really liked that.”

Rep. Harley Rouda, whom Steel defeated, identified the narratives of socialism and defunding police as particular­ly harmful to Democrats in swing districts. The party should have done more to f ight the claims of socialism “because it is simply not true,” Rouda said. Vietnamese American voters are “very vehemently anti- communism, anti- socialism, and that certainly played a factor.”

Democrats acknowledg­e that they misread the electorate, and assumed it would more closely resemble the Democratic- leaning voters of 2018 than the Trump supporters of 2016. Nationally, Democrats were spending millions of dollars in races that were far out of reach, such as in Alaska and Montana, instead of fortifying their incumbents in tossup territorie­s like the competitiv­e California races.

Democrats say some of the blame for their losses rests on their refusal to knock on doors because of the COVID- 19 pandemic, citing public health guidance that called for social distancing.

Cox, who lost the Central Valley seat by about 1,500 votes, compared it to trying to campaign with one arm tied behind his back. His campaign did minimal doorknocki­ng at the end of the race.

“It was very strongly discourage­d by both the California Democratic Party, and by the national party,” Cox said. “In hindsight, in the race as close as ours and in 25 and 39 and 48, I think that it could have made the difference.”

The closest contest was in the 25th, where only 333 votes separated Smith and Garcia. No incumbent House Republican in the country was defeated in 2020, but Smith came the closest to knocking out Garcia, who was elected in a special election in May to replace Rep. Katie Hill, who resigned her seat.

The 21st District race between Cox and Valadao — in which both candidates faced accusation­s of improper business practices — and the 48th District race between Rouda and Steel were particular­ly tense, with the vast majority of ads relying on partisan mudslingin­g.

Although redistrict­ing next year is likely to reshape some of the districts, many of the 2020 rivals are poised for rematches in 2022. Smith has f iled paperwork to run for both a rematch with Garcia and her old Assembly seat and must decide between the two.

Democrats Rouda and Cox have already f iled paperwork to run again.

 ?? Bonnie Jo Mount Washing ton Post ?? REP.- ELECT Young Kim defeated incumbent Democrat Gil Cisneros after narrowly losing to him in 2018.
Bonnie Jo Mount Washing ton Post REP.- ELECT Young Kim defeated incumbent Democrat Gil Cisneros after narrowly losing to him in 2018.

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