Los Angeles Times

Israel’s Netanyahu is in the hot seat again

Prime minister faces election challenge as coronaviru­s worsens, criminal trial persists.

- By Noga Tarnopolsk­y

JERUSALEM — For the fourth time in two years, Israel is facing a national election, as exasperate­d voters gird themselves for a contest that’s shaping up as another polarizing referendum on Benjamin Netanyahu, the country’s longestser­ving leader and only sitting prime minister ever to face criminal charges.

Pundits are billing the March election as “Only Bibi vs. Just Not Bibi,” a reference to Netanyahu’s nickname. Like President Trump, whom he enthusiast­ically supports, Netanyahu inspires f ierce devotion among his followers and near hatred among his detractors.

But whether another trip to the polls in March will bring greater stability to the country or a frustratin­g reiteratio­n of its political deadlock remains to be seen.

“No one is promising there won’t be f ifth elections,” political analyst Afif Abu Much warned.

Netanyahu, known as “the Magician” for his ability to pull unlikely victories out of a hat, is entering the campaign confronted with obstacles that will challenge even his formidable political survival skills.

Israel’s economy has been hit hard by the COVID- 19 pandemic; the country entered its third lockdown under Netanyahu’s watch Sunday, amid a new surge in infections.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu’s unpreceden­ted trial on corruption charges, which began in May, is expected to enter a more sensationa­l phase in February. And he is facing competitio­n from a former ally, Gideon Saar, who resigned from Netanyahu’s Likud Party this month to form New Hope, a party that aims to siphon off conservati­ve voters weary of the political melodrama surroundin­g Netanyahu.

Another rival, Naftali Bennett, a former defense minister who leads the rightwing Yamina Party, has also gained traction.

Netanyahu’s fifth term in office lasted only seven months, with the new election triggered by law after the government failed to pass a budget agreement by midnight Tuesday.

Lawmakers rejected Netanyahu’s plea to extend the budget deadline by a week, leading to the coalition government’s collapse.

“This time, for the f irst time, Netanyahu did not declare elections,” said Abu Much, who writes political commentary for Yediot Ahronot, a popular tabloid, and the website Al- Monitor. “He was dragged against his will to this election.”

But in a snap poll, almost half of Israelis blame Netanyahu for forcing them to endure another election, with about 18% of respondent­s holding Benny Gantz, Netanyahu’s centrist coalition partner, responsibl­e.

The alliance between Netanyahu and Gantz has been awkward and fractious, struck after an election iin March gave neither man a workable parliament­ary majority without the other. That election was Israel’s third within a year.

At the moment, voters appear ready to punish both Netanyahu and Gantz, although plenty is likely to change between now and March 23, election day.

Netanyahu’s right- wing Likud Party holds 32 out of 120 seats in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. If the polls conducted after the government’s collapse hold, the party will win fewer than 30 in March.

The outlook is even worse for Gantz, a political neophyte who campaigned throughout 2019 and 2020 as the anti- Netanyahu champion of clean government before f lipping, in April, to join forces with the man he was trying to unseat.

Gantz now appears headed toward political oblivion, with polls showing his Blue and White Party sinking to about f ive Knesset seats.

In his usual style, Netanyahu is projecting confidence. He attributed the failure of the ruling coalition to Gantz’s reliance on “a dictatorsh­ip of left- wing bureaucrat­s” and, in a Trump- like touch, predicted: “We will win huge!”

Many Israelis believe that Netanyahu’s overriding goal is to assemble a parliament­ary supermajor­ity that he hopes will freeze, or even annul, the criminal proceeding­s underway against him — a prospect dismissed as impossible by most legal experts.

Netanyahu failed in his bid to obtain parliament­ary immunity from prosecutio­n in January, weeks after Atty. Gen. Avichai Mandelblit indicted him on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. The opening of the trial in May was a media spectacle, with Netanyahu on the courthouse steps declaring himself the victim of a coup attempt by deep- state judiciary officials and “the left- wing media.”

The trial’s evidentiar­y phase — with several of Netanyahu’s former associates expected to testify against him — is scheduled to start in February, while the election campaign is in full swing.

“Putting aside all the political noise, the reason we’re heading to an election is that Netanyahu refused to pass a budget, as required by law, and honor political agreements so [ that] he can remain in power for the duration of his trial,” said Yohanan Plesner, president of the Israel Democracy Institute, a nonpartisa­n think tank. “Israel’s ongoing political crisis will continue as long as Netanyahu remains prime minister, and a government cannot be formed without him.”

For all the problems plaguing Netanyahu, 39% of Israelis last week named him as the best choice for prime minister in a survey by a TV network.

But in a sign of trouble for the premier, almost the same proportion — 36% — chose Likud breakaway politician Saar, a former interior and education minister. Three other coalition members have resigned to join Saar, including Zeev Elkin, a onetime Netanyahu protege, who accused his former mentor of “holding Israel hostage” to his legal troubles.

Moreover, Netanyahu is about to lose another big ally: Trump. With the lameduck president due to vacate the White House on Jan. 20, Netanyahu will no longer be able to tout a close ongoing relationsh­ip with Trump as a selling point.

Trump regularly bestowed political gifts on Netanyahu that were timed to give him a campaign boost — never more dramatical­ly than in March 2019, when Washington recognized Israeli sovereignt­y over the long- disputed Golan Heights, days before a general election. In other victories for Netanyahu, Trump withdrew the U. S. from the Iran nuclear deal, moved the U. S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and helped facilitate the normalizat­ion of ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.

The kind of relationsh­ip Netanyahu will establish with President- elect Joe Biden remains to be seen. The Israeli leader reminded Biden in a tweet that the two have “had a long & warm personal relationsh­ip for nearly 40 years,” but Netanyahu avoided recognizin­g the winner of the U. S. election for weeks and continues to feature a picture of himself with Trump on his Twitter profile.

Political analyst Tal Schneider does not expect Netanyahu to stop talking about his bond with the president, even after Trump leaves the White House.

“He’ll absolutely keep using his connection to Trump as a campaign argument,” she said, “and he’ll say that it was his personal connection­s around the world that secured the normalizat­ion accords.”

For now, Israelis are preoccupie­d with issues closer to home as they reel from the economic repercussi­ons of a series of coronaviru­s lockdowns, with no end in sight. Netanyahu hopes that a mass vaccinatio­n campaign — he was the f irst Israeli to be inoculated, on live television — will help tame the pandemic.

Netanyahu and Gantz will serve as caretaker coprime ministers until the March election. If the vote produces another stalemate, coalition wrangling could mean that the unhappy pair continues to govern Israel for months longer.

“We may be stuck in the same place,” Abu Much said.

“Paralysis” is how Plesner describes it — and it’s a situation that’s likely to persist, he said, until Israeli voters, and not squabbling politician­s, make a definitive choice.

 ?? Ronen Zvulun Associated Press ?? PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu hopes to hold on to power in Israel’s March election, the fourth in two years, as he faces trial on corruption charges.
Ronen Zvulun Associated Press PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu hopes to hold on to power in Israel’s March election, the fourth in two years, as he faces trial on corruption charges.

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