Los Angeles Times

Inquiry begun into petition in Inyo County

Many signatures for a tobacco referendum are invalid, elections officials said.

- By John Myers

Elections officials in Inyo County said last week that at least 70% of the signatures submitted to block a California law banning the sale of f lavored tobacco are invalid, with dozens of voters saying they never signed the petition.

Kammie Foote, the county’s registrar of voters, said she has submitted the f indings of her staff ’ s investigat­ion to the Inyo County district attorney’s office. She said that in some cases, the signatures were not even close to matching those on f ile with her office. In one case, the name of a prominent local elected official appeared on a petition and looked distinctly different from the signature that appears on a variety of government documents.

“We’re confident that these are not valid signatures,” Foote said.

Whether the problems reported in Inyo County, a rural community with about 11,000 registered voters, are an anomaly is unclear. State elections officials said this is the first such report regarding the effort to qualify a ballot measure to block the tobacco law signed in August by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Forging a signature on a ballot measure petition and submitting the document to elections officials are misdemeano­rs under state law, punishable by jail time and a fine of up to $ 5,000.

Last month, a campaign funded by the nation’s largest tobacco companies announced it had gathered more than 1 million voter signatures to qualify a referendum on the new law for the November 2022 statewide election. The law, Senate Bill 793, outlaws the retail sale of flavored tobacco products in California and is scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1.

But if elections officials determine that at least 623,212 valid voter signatures have been gathered, the enactment of SB 793 will be on hold for at least the next two years. Under California law, voters can overturn a statute signed by the governor through a referendum.

Foote said the inquiry began when her staff started to spot- check the signatures turned in by the profession­al circulator­s hired through the tobacco industryfu­nded campaign. To ensure no voter’s intent is not honored, her office makes phone calls to see whether a person signed the petition.

“Voter after voter said, ‘ I did not sign this petition,’ ” Foote said.

Of the 268 signatures submitted to Inyo officials, 186 were deemed to not match the voter’s signature on file. Two of the voters had died.

The campaign in support of the tobacco referendum didn’t immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

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