Los Angeles Times

EU vote sets back 3 exiled Catalans

The separatist­s’ loss of immunity could mean extraditio­n to Spain. They plan to appeal.


BRUSSELS — The European Parliament on Tuesday voted to lift the immunity of the former president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Carles Puigdemont, and two of his associates, a move that could pave the way for the eventual extraditio­n of the three independen­ce advocates.

All three are currently members of the European Parliament. In the decision on Puigdemont, 400 legislator­s voted for the waiver of immunity, 248 were against, and 45 abstained.

The votes to lift the immunity of his associates — former Catalan Health Minister Toni Comin and former Education Minister Clara Ponsatí — were by largely similar margins.

“We have lost our immunity, but the European Parliament has lost more than that — and, as a result, European democracy too,” Puigdemont said. “This is a clear case of political persecutio­n.”

He said that “the European Parliament has unfortunat­ely fallen into this strategy.”

Puigdemont and a number of colleagues fled from Spain to Belgium in October 2017, fearing arrest after holding an independen­ce referendum in Catalonia that the Spanish government said was illegal. Catalonia, in northeaste­rn Spain and home to Barcelona, has long asserted its own cultural and national identity.

In 2019, Puigdemont, Comin and Ponsatí won seats in the European Parliament and were afforded protection as members of the legislativ­e assembly.

Ponsatí said the three would appeal the assembly’s decision to the EU’s higher courts in Luxembourg.

“We are very convinced that we have very strong grounds for this appeal,” she said, adding that the legislatur­e’s handling of the move was “clumsy, sloppy and without due procedure.”

“The conflicts of interest that interfere[d] in the process were outrageous,” she said.

Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha GonzálezLa­ya said the assembly’s decision showed that Puigdemont and his two aides could no longer evade justice back home. “The problems of Catalonia are solved in Spain. They are not solved in Europe,” González-Laya said in a video statement.

Dolors Montserrat, a European lawmaker with the center-right European People’s Party and a former Cabinet member of the Spanish administra­tion that ousted Puigdemont, told Spanish broadcaste­r TVE: “Spain wins, Europe wins, democracy wins.”

She added that the decision confirmed Puigdemont as “a fugitive who has to answer before Spanish courts.”

Iratxe García Pérez, the leader of the S&D socialist group in the European Parliament, said that the parliament “doesn’t judge anybody. We just guarantee that justice does its job. A clear majority, absolute majority of the parliament, supported the fact that Spanish justice should be able to do its job.”

Despite the wide margin to lift the three lawmakers’ immunity, Gonzalo Boye, Puigdemont’s lawyer, said the vote wasn’t as overwhelmi­ng as Spain wanted it to be.

“It’s evident that there are people in the conservati­ve group, in the EPP, and among the Socialists who have voted against,” he told TVE.

The 2017 independen­ce vote in favor of Catalonia breaking away from Spain won by a landslide, but the central government in Madrid had declared the balloting illegal and unconstitu­tional. Hundreds of people were injured in a police crackdown on the day of the poll.

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