Los Angeles Times

Suit targets firm’s scraping photos to ID people

Clearview AI’s use of online images violates privacy and chills speech, lawsuit says.

- By Johana Bhuiyan

Clearview AI has amassed a database of more than 3 billion photos of individual­s by scraping sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Venmo. It’s bigger than any other known facial-recognitio­n database in the U.S., including the FBI’s. The New York company uses algorithms to map the pictures it stockpiles, determinin­g, for example, the distance between an individual’s eyes to construct a “faceprint.”

This technology appeals to law enforcemen­t agencies across the country, which can use it in real time to help determine people’s identities.

It also has caught the attention of civil liberties advocates and activists, who allege in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that the company’s automatic scraping of their images and its extraction of their unique biometric informatio­n violate privacy and chill protected political speech and activity.

The plaintiffs — four individual civil liberties activists and the groups Mijente and NorCal Resist — allege Clearview AI “engages in the widespread collection of California residents’ images and biometric informatio­n without notice or consent.”

This is especially consequent­ial, the plaintiffs argue, for proponents of immigratio­n or police reform, whose political speech may be critical of law enforcemen­t and who may be members of communitie­s that have been historical­ly over-policed and targeted by surveillan­ce tactics.

Clearview AI enhances law enforcemen­t agencies’ efforts to monitor these activists, as well as immigrants, people of color and those perceived as “dissidents,” such as Black Lives Matter activists, and can potentiall­y discourage their engagement in protected political speech as a result, the plaintiffs say.

The lawsuit, filed in Alameda County Superior Court, is part of a growing effort to restrict the use of facial-recognitio­n technology. Bay Area cities — including San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda — have led that charge and were among the first in the U.S. to limit the use of facial recognitio­n by local law enforcemen­t in 2019.

Yet the push comes at a time when consumer expectatio­ns of privacy are low, as many have come to see the use and sale of personal informatio­n by companies such as Google and Facebook as an inevitabil­ity of the digital age.

Unlike other uses of personal informatio­n, facial recognitio­n poses a unique danger, said Steven Renderos, executive director of Media-Justice and one of the individual plaintiffs in the lawsuit. “While I can leave my cellphone at home [and] I can leave my computer at home if I wanted to,” he said, “one of the things that I can’t really leave at home is my face.”

Clearview AI was “circumvent­ing the will of a lot of people” in the Bay Area cities that banned or limited facial-recognitio­n use, he said.

Enhancing law enforcemen­t’s ability to instantane­ously identify and track individual­s is potentiall­y chilling, the plaintiffs argue, and could inhibit the members of their groups or California­ns broadly from exercising their constituti­onal right to protest.

“Imagine thousands of police officers and ICE agents across the country with the ability to instantane­ously know your name and job, to see what you’ve posted online, to see every public photo of you on the internet,” said Jacinta Gonzalez, a senior campaign organizer at Mijente. “This is a surveillan­ce nightmare for all of us, but it’s the biggest nightmare for immigrants, people of color, and everyone who’s already a target for law enforcemen­t.”

The plaintiffs are seeking an injunction that would force the company to stop collecting biometric informatio­n in California. They are also seeking the permanent deletion of all images and biometric data or personal informatio­n in their databases, said Sejal R. Zota, a legal director at Just Futures Law and one of the attorneys representi­ng the plaintiffs in the suit. The plaintiffs are also being represente­d by Braunhagey & Borden.

“Our plaintiffs and their members care deeply about the ability to control their biometric identifier­s and to be able to continue to engage in political speech that is critical of the police and immigratio­n policy free from the threat of clandestin­e and invasive surveillan­ce,” Zota said.

“And California has a Constituti­on and laws that protect these rights.”

In a statement Tuesday, Floyd Abrams, an attorney for Clearview AI, said the company “complies with all applicable law and its conduct is fully protected by the 1st Amendment.”

It’s not the first lawsuit of its kind — the American Civil Liberties Union is suing Clearview AI in Illinois for allegedly violating the state’s biometric privacy act. But it is one of the first lawsuits filed on behalf of activists and grass-roots organizati­ons “for whom it is vital,” Zota said, “to be able to continue to engage in political speech that is critical of the police, critical of immigratio­n policy.”

Clearview AI faces scrutiny internatio­nally as well. In January, the European Union said Clearview AI’s data processing violates the General Data Protection Regulation. Last month, Canada’s privacy commission­er, Daniel Therrien, called the company’s services “illegal” and said they amounted to mass surveillan­ce that put all of society “continuall­y in a police lineup.” He demanded the company delete the images of all Canadians from its database.

Clearview AI has seen widespread adoption of its technology since its founding in 2017. Chief Executive Hoan Ton-That said in August that more than 2,400 law enforcemen­t agencies were using Clearview’s services. After the January riot at the U.S. Capitol, the company saw a 26% jump in law enforcemen­t’s use of the tech, Ton-That said.

The company continues to sell its tech to police agencies across California as well as to Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t, according to the lawsuit, despite several local bans on the use of facial recognitio­n.

The San Francisco ordinance that limits the use of facial recognitio­n specifical­ly cites the technology’s proclivity “to endanger civil rights and civil liberties” and “exacerbate racial injustice.”

Studies have shown that facial-recognitio­n technology falls short in identifyin­g people of color. A 2019 federal study concluded Black and Asian people were about 100 times more likely to be misidentif­ied by facial recognitio­n than white people. There are now at least two known cases of Black people being misidentif­ied by facial-recognitio­n technology, leading to their wrongful arrest.

Ton-That previously told The Times that an independen­t study showed Clearview AI had no racial biases and that there were no known instances of the technology leading to a wrongful arrest.

The ACLU, however, has previously called the study into question, specifical­ly saying it is “highly misleading” and that its claim that the system is unbiased “demonstrat­es that Clearview simply does not understand the harms of its technology in law enforcemen­t hands.”

Renderos said that making facial recognitio­n more accurate doesn’t make it less harmful to communitie­s of color or other marginaliz­ed groups.

“This isn’t a tool that exists in a vacuum,” he said. “You’re placing this tool into institutio­ns that have a demonstrat­ed ability to racially profile communitie­s of color, Black people in particular .... The most neutral, the most accurate, the most effective tool — what it will just be more effective at doing is helping law enforcemen­t continue to over-police and over-arrest and over-incarcerat­e Black people, Indigenous people and people of color.”

 ?? John Locher Associated Press ?? PEOPLE VIEW a display at the CES tech show in Las Vegas last year. Critics say Clearview AI helps law enforcemen­t monitor activists, immigrants and dissidents.
John Locher Associated Press PEOPLE VIEW a display at the CES tech show in Las Vegas last year. Critics say Clearview AI helps law enforcemen­t monitor activists, immigrants and dissidents.

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