Los Angeles Times

What a hotel room is not


Re “Their community, displaced,” column, April 4, and “Lessons from the Echo Park clearing,” letters, April 4

In her column, Erika D. Smith included the experience­s of people who had recently lived at the Echo Park Lake encampment. These homeless people developed relationsh­ips and had interactio­ns that may or may not seem functional to the outside world. Smith’s column showed that many homeless people are not just living randomly on the street, but are seeking community.

In contrast, a letter writer discussed the value of Echo Park Lake to the community prior to the encampment. I believe she was expressing the position of privilege in our society and arguing that it should supersede the needs of homeless people.

Until people in the middle class suffer the consequenc­es of our economic system and the whole issue of wealth inequity, we will never come to grips with homelessne­ss and housing.

I, for one, would rather live in a tent surrounded by people I know than in a hotel room in one part of town one night, then in another the next. It is our economic system, and not our leadership, that needs to be addressed before anything else. Jay Coffman

San Diego

Is The Times trying to convince us to feel remorse over the fact that people can no longer set up their tents in a public park?

Perhaps our sympathies lie elsewhere, like with hard-working families and taxpayers who have a right to safe access to public property.

The best thing that can happen to a homeless person is a roof over their head and a realistic road to recovery, not some pie in the sky belief about communes in public parks.

Jean Anker Woodland Hills

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