Los Angeles Times

Ditch your bird feeder



ATTENTION wildlife fans: Bird feeders are killing songbirds, due to a vicious salmonello­sis outbreak this winter. Wildlife officials in multiple Western states issued warnings earlier this year that so many birds are dying, the safest plan is to take down all our feeders, at least for now, so birds will stop congregati­ng and spreading the disease.

So it’s time for a new strategy to attract and support our feathered friends: creating habitat in our garden space — whether it’s a balcony or backyard — by growing native plants and cultivatin­g the food, nesting materials and shelter wild birds need to survive.

Think of it as treating the whole bird, says John Rowden, the National Audubon Society’s senior director of bird friendly communitie­s.

“We’re trying to do a better job of providing full life-cycle support for the communitie­s we share with birds,” he said. “That’s why we’re proponents of native plantings: If done properly, you can provide food consistent­ly over the year, along with places to roost and nest.”

The Audubon Society has made it really easy to discover the most bird-friendly plants for your neighborho­od with its Native Plant Database at audubon.org/native-plants. All you do is enter your ZIP Code (and, of course, your email address) to get a list of the best native plants for your area, along with nearby nurseries where they can be purchased and a list of the birds the plants are likely to attract.

The California Native Plant Society’s calscape.org database and its Garden Planner — gardenplan­ner.calscape.org — are additional resources for finding native plants best suited to your region.

And please note, this is much more than a landscapin­g tip. We’re talking about the future of our bird communitie­s here, because the threat to their survival is high.

Birds have evolved to eat the seeds and insects native to the areas where they live, but farms, herbicides and urban developmen­t have destroyed many of those native plants, along with the insects that feed off them, causing ripples up the food chain. Think about how few insects you find on your windshield and grill these days. Then ask your parents what it was like a few decades ago, when a drive through the country left cars bristling with dead bugs. Our cars may be cleaner but it means our birds have dwindling access to food.

We’ve gotten so feeder focused that it’s easy to forget that insects — especially caterpilla­rs — are a critical food for bird survival. “The vast majority of birds feed insects to their babies, independen­t of what they eat as adults,” Rowden said. “And caterpilla­rs provide incredibly good packages of fat and proteins to help those babies thrive.”

Bird feeders can help supplement food for adults, but wildlife officials in California, Oregon, Washington, Utah and Idaho have gotten so many reports of sick and dead finches this year, especially the songbirds known as pine siskins, that they issued alerts warning people to take down their feeders, at least temporaril­y, to stop the spread of salmonello­sis, Smithsonia­n Magazine reported last month.

Sure, it’s fun to see birds swarming on the feeders outside our windows, but birds tend to poop where they eat, and when they congregate it spreads the salmonella bacteria. “Most birds die within 24 hours of infection,” the California Department of Fish and Wildlife agency reported Feb. 8.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife recommends cleaning feeders and bird baths monthly with soap, water and diluted bleach, but overall, wildlife experts say the best course of action is to find natural ways to attract birds.

And we’re not just talking trees here. Yes, SoCal birds love a good oak or Western sycamore, but they also get lots of nourishmen­t and support from native shrubs, perennials and annuals, because those plants attract insects, provide nectar and produce seeds, said Rowden.

Many native plants are magnets for pollinator­s such as butterflie­s and moths (the critters that bring us caterpilla­rs). And lest you raise your hands in horror, we’re not talking about sacrificin­g baby monarch butterflie­s to the birds, Rowden said. Monarch caterpilla­rs dine only on milkweed plants, whose milky sap is toxic to many animals if consumed in large quantities. The plant also tastes bad — which is why most animals avoid it — but monarch caterpilla­rs have evolved to store those toxins in their bodies as a way to discourage predators, and it works: Their flashy black, gold and cream stripes are a tip-off to birds that these critters taste nasty.

There are other considerat­ions too, says Marcos Trinidad, director of the Audubon Center at Debs Park in Montecito Heights. Right now, migratory birds are flying above us, looking for places to safely rest and feed, so they appreciate the cover they get from native shrubs. And residentia­l birds are busy looking for suitable materials and places to build their nests.

“We find right after Easter that a lot of birds pick up the plastic Easter [basket] grass to use in their nests,” Trinidad said. The plastic stuff is a problem because chicks can get twisted and trapped in the strands and it’s too strong for them to peck through, the San Fernando Valley Audubon Society reported last year.

Native grasses and shrubs provide much healthier nesting materials and have the advantage of producing flowers that attract insects and develop into seed heads the birds can eat, Trinidad said.

Building habitat is about creating an ecological system, he said, which means we have to change the way we think about landscapin­g.

For instance, people with traditiona­l lawns and ornamental shrubs are used to raking up the leaf debris to make everything look tidy, but that limits the benefit of native plants, Rowden said.

“One thing I tell people is don’t be compelled to do a ton of yardwork” with native plants, he said. “Many of our moth species, their caterpilla­rs drop off into the leaf litter to complete their lives there, so if you leave leaf litter in your yard, it allows the caterpilla­rs to complete their life cycle and the birds to dig around and find the moths and caterpilla­rs they need to eat.”

Gardeners also remove the dead flowers from roses and other ornamental plants — a process called deadheadin­g — to encourage new blooms, but when you do that with native plants, he said, you disrupt the symbiotic relationsh­ip between a region’s native plants and the animals that have evolved around them.

“When that really beautiful flower dries up on a native plant, it goes to seed, which allows the plant to propagate for future years or provide food for specific birds,” Trinidad said.

“When you deadhead native flowers, you’re breaking the cycle, because now only pollinator­s are able to be involved in pollinatin­g the plant, and the seeds, so important for food, are long gone. We have a saying with native plants: ‘You have to love the crust of bread as well.’ You have to let them go full cycle to promote all the benefits of native plants.”

That can be a tough transition if you’re used to traditiona­l landscapin­g, so don’t be afraid to mix things up in your yard, Trinidad said. “When people say, ‘It’s all or nothing; you have to go full native and get rid of everything else,’ then you get into a really dark place of excluding people who might have a cultural or spiritual connection with certain plants,” he said. “Look at the food we eat; how much of that is grown as a California native? We have to try to find a balance.”

And don’t worry if you don’t have a yard. Rowden and Trinidad say they encourage people to grow native plants in containers on their patio or balcony. Even a pot of California poppies and arroyo lupine can provide insect food and seed for birds, Trinidad said. California fuchsia (Epilobium canum) and sticky monkey flowers (Mimulus aurantiacu­s) attract pollinator­s and hummingbir­ds and look beautiful in containers.

When growing native plants in pots, use a soil designed for containers that drains well, such as succulent soil, and choose plants according to your available sun. Many native plants prefer full sun but some, such as the fragrant, magenta-flowered hummingbir­d sage, prefer at least partial shade. The Audubon Society offers a guide to growing native plants in containers on its website.

 ?? Micah Fluellen Los Angeles Times; Getty Images ??
Micah Fluellen Los Angeles Times; Getty Images

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