Los Angeles Times

Can’t find workers? Don’t blame federal aid

- MICHAEL HILTZIK Keep up to date with Michael Hiltzik. Follow @hiltzikm on Twitter, see his Facebook page or email michael.hiltzik@latimes.com.

In a rational world, employers desperate to fill jobs would do everything they could to make their workplaces seem attractive: They’d raise wages, offer bonuses and show themselves to be caring and respectful bosses.

In our world, just the opposite is happening. Wages are stagnant, especially in low-paying sectors, and employers are demonstrat­ing utter contempt for employees they’re trying to lure back to work.

They’re casting blame for their difficulti­es elsewhere — especially the purportedl­y lavish unemployme­nt benefits provided by the federal government.

As part of its pandemic relief program, Congress enacted unemployme­nt benefits of $300 a week to augment state benefits. The addition will continue through early September in states that accept it.

But in Montana and South Carolina, business leaders enlisted their governors to drive people back to work by canceling that unemployme­nt assistance. No one should be shocked to see other red states join them.

The notion that unemployme­nt benefits are keeping able-bodied workers home has become an article of faith among employers and their lobbyists, despite a lack of any evidence that this phenomenon is endemic.

In some places, the business community hasn’t been shy about demeaning workers who aren’t clamoring to join their staffs. Typically they portray the workforce as an army of layabouts.

Here’s the insulting way that John Kabateck, California state director for the small business lobby group the National Federation of Independen­t Business, put it: “The federal government’s extra $300 it added to state unemployme­nt benefits comes to an end in early September, so it will be a matter of time before showing up for work is a better-paying propositio­n than remaining on the couch watching reruns of Gilligan’s Island.”

NFIB, by the way, has sued to overturn California regulation­s requiring employers to maintain safe workplaces during the pandemic. That hints at one reason why people might feel uncomforta­ble about taking jobs with its member companies. The lawsuit is pending in state court in San Francisco.

No one is disputing that some employers are having difficulti­es recruiting workers. Nonfarm employment rose in April by a meager 266,000, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. This confounded economists who had expected a second straight month of employment gains of more than 900,000.

Yet the statistic sent a mixed signal. Employment growth was actually strongest among restaurant­s, bars and hotels (up by 331,000). That’s the sector where employers are squealing the loudest about their inability to recruit staff. It was down in manufactur­ing and in profession­al and business services, where wages tend to be higher than in hospitalit­y and leisure.

Some economists who expect strong growth to resume in coming months counsel not to make too much of a single month’s data.

“Time for a deep breath ... payrolls could rebound massively in May,” states Ian Shepherdso­n, chief economist at Pantheon Macroecono­mics.

The question is not whether employers are scratching for staff, but why.

“Employers simply don’t want to raise wages high enough to attract workers,” observes Heidi Shierholz, a former chief economist for the Department of Labor who is now policy director at the labor-affiliated Economic Policy Institute. “I often suggest that whenever anyone says, ‘I can’t find the workers I need,’ she should really add, ‘at the wages I want to pay.’”

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell referred to the wage question during a news conference on April 28. “We don’t see wages moving up yet,” he said. “And presumably we would see that in a really tight labor market.”

Powell listed numerous other factors that might produce a temporary labor shortage in some sectors.

“One big factor would be schools aren’t open yet, so there’s still people who are at home taking care of their children, and would like to be back in the workforce, but can’t be yet,” he said. “There are virus fears that are weighing on people, so some people don’t want to go back to work.”

Yet the notion that enhanced unemployme­nt is the culprit in recruitmen­t difficulti­es seems destined to persist. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster said he is canceling the $300 federal stipend for workers in his state “to address workplace shortages.”

In his directive to the state employment director, McMaster said the federal enhancemen­t “has turned into a dangerous federal entitlemen­t.”

South Carolina’s maximum state unemployme­nt benefit of $326 a week is the seventh-lowest in the country. It has no minimum wage law, so its effective minimum wage is the federal rate, $7.25 an hour, a rate it shares with 19 other states, including most Southern states, as the lowest in the country.

South Carolina’s share of population that has received at least one COVID vaccinatio­n, 37%, is tied for 10th worst in the country. Its percentage of residents who are fully vaccinated, 27%, is tied for ninth worst.

There’s certainly evidence that workers respond to higher wages. In Pittsburgh, the owner of an ice cream parlor in the popular Strip district of shops and restaurant­s couldn’t hire enough staff to ensure her business could stay open seven days a week through the summer.

So she doubled the starting wage to $15 an hour.

“It was instant, overnight,” Maya Johnson, the parlor’s manager, told the Pittsburgh Business Times. “We got thousands of applicatio­ns that poured in. It was very overwhelmi­ng, very. People were coming in by the next day that it broke on the news, they were coming in, filling out paper applicatio­ns. I was doing on-the-spot interviews.”

In other places, workers are pinpointin­g conditions that might keep them away. In the hamlet of Eliot, Maine, all but one employee of the local Dollar General store quit over what they said were wretched conditions, including demands that they work off the clock (that is, without being paid their hourly wage).

While some businesses unable to recruit workers have posted signs asserting that “no one wants to work,” the Dollar General workers posted signs asserting that their employer “doesn’t pay a living wage or treat their workers with respect.”

Dollar General said it wouldn’t comment on the employment status of its local workers “out of respect for these individual­s, as well as the value we place on open and direct communicat­ion with our employees.” It said the Eliot store remains open.

Some employers have resorted to threats against employees who remain wary of returning to their workplace. Cathy Merrill, the chief executive of the company that publishes Washington­ian magazine, did so explicitly in a remarkable op-ed in the Washington Post.

Merrill made the point that direct personal contacts are useful in building an office culture. (She’s not alone: JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has taken the same position.)

What was jarring was Merrill’s depiction of what constitute­s an office culture, and the steps she’s prepared to take to create it.

Merrill estimated that “about 20 percent of every office job is outside one’s core responsibi­lities — ‘extra.’ It involves helping a colleague, mentoring more junior people, celebratin­g someone’s birthday.”

She continued: “While some employees might like to continue to work from home and pop in only when necessary, that presents executives with a tempting economic option the employees might not like.” Employers would have “a strong incentive to change their status to ‘contractor,’” depriving them of “health care, a 401(k) match and our share of FICA and Medicare taxes.”

It should go without saying that misclassif­ying employees as independen­t contractor­s because they decline to do “extra” work outside their responsibi­lities might violate federal labor law and quite possibly local laws.

For some employers, the intuitive conclusion that workers are just waiting out their unemployme­nt benefit trumps its empirical falsity. For others, too, it’s far easier, and even cheaper, to complain about lazy workers than to entice them into work with a living wage.

As has been the case in other economic recoveries, the pace of rehiring is almost entirely in employers’ hands. Their tools are workplace conditions and wages. They just have to use them.

 ?? Meg Kinnard Associated Press ?? GOV. HENRY McMaster, second from left, is halting the $300 federal stipend for South Carolina workers.
Meg Kinnard Associated Press GOV. HENRY McMaster, second from left, is halting the $300 federal stipend for South Carolina workers.
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