Los Angeles Times

What’s next on infrastruc­ture measures?

Senate votes were big victories on top Biden priorities, but the work is far from done.

- By Sarah D. Wire

WASHINGTON — The Senate has approved an approximat­ely $1-trillion bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill and the framework for a separate $3.5-trillion measure that Democrats plan to pass on their own.

The moves have laid the groundwork for a busy, consequent­ial fall in Washington.

Where do things stand?

As the fight expands to the House, Democrats there are insisting that the bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill — full of transporta­tion, water, broadband and other infrastruc­ture projects — and the broader package — focused on addressing climate change and expanding the social safety net — must pass together to ensure the bigger package is not left behind.

Republican­s oppose the $3.5-trillion bill, so Senate Democrats are going to try to pass it through a process known as reconcilia­tion, which requires just a simple majority to pass.

What’s the next big date?

On Aug. 23, the House will return early from recess to consider the budget resolution just approved by the Senate. Then it will finish its recess.

The budget resolution is not binding, but House considerat­ion moves the process along as Senate committees work on the details of what will be included in the actual reconcilia­tion bill, which could be considered as soon as midSeptemb­er.

Is the Senate adjourned?

Senators were released Wednesday morning for the remainder of their August recess, but Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters that members of the dozen or so relevant committees will continue to meet weekly over the next month to get the reconcilia­tion bill ready by Sept. 15.

“What we’re doing here isn’t easy,” he said. “We’ve labored for months and months to reach this point, and we have no illusions. Maybe the hardest work is yet to come.”

How can the hard part be ‘yet to come’?

Democrats have to walk a tightrope to keep their caucus together in order to get the 51 votes needed to pass the $3.5-trillion bill without the support of any


Democrats can reach that number with the help of the chamber’s two independen­ts and a tie-breaking vote by Vice President Kamala Harris, but only if all 48 Democratic senators vote yes.

Which Senate Democrats are wavering?

Moderate Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) said in a statement Wednesday that although he supports the framework, he is uncomforta­ble with the proposed $3.5-trillion price tag. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) has also said she won’t support such a large bill.

Schumer has pointed out that some progressiv­e senators, including Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), wanted a bill that would cost closer to $6 trillion.

Will things be easier in the House?

Not necessaril­y. A similar balancing act is already playing out in that chamber, even though it won’t receive the $3.5-trillion bill until the fall. Moderate and progressiv­e members sent dueling letters Tuesday laying out vastly different demands for how to move ahead in the House, where Democrats hold just a fourseat majority.

When will the House start to vote?

A few moderates are pushing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to quickly hold a vote on the bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill rather than wait for the larger second bill to be written and passed by the Senate.

Pelosi has said repeatedly that the only way to get the necessary support for the smaller bill is to also pass the larger bill, which could be the greatest expansion of the social safety net since President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.

“I think we were able to get the bipartisan package because we had the $3.5 trillion,” she said at a news conference Tuesday in San Francisco. “They are, so we say, compatible in my view.”

 ?? Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times ?? SEN. JOE MANCHIN III, a conservati­ve West Virginia Democrat, supports the framework but not the cost of the $3.5-trillion measure. And he’s not alone.
Kent Nishimura Los Angeles Times SEN. JOE MANCHIN III, a conservati­ve West Virginia Democrat, supports the framework but not the cost of the $3.5-trillion measure. And he’s not alone.

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