Los Angeles Times

Afghan forces’ stunning reversal of fortune

Corruption, some troops’ lack of will to fight and U.S. pullout have enabled Taliban to gain upper hand.

- By Nabih Bulos

It’s been a punishing few days for Afghanista­n’s U.S.-created and -supported army.

Since Friday, the Taliban has overrun bastions of government control, snatching more than a quarter of Afghanista­n’s 34 provincial capitals on its way to controllin­g an estimated 65% of the country. On Wednesday, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani raced to the north to rally a defense of besieged Mazar-i-Sharif, the country’s fourth-largest city.

With U.S. forces set to complete their pullout in less than three weeks, the Taliban’s breakneck advance has many observers asking: After two decades and billions of dollars spent by the U.S. and its partners to create effective Afghan fighting forces, what happened? And can they stop the Taliban from taking over the entire country?

Here’s a look at the situation.

‘Ghost’ f ighters

On paper, the Taliban should be no match for the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, known as the ANDSF. According to the latest report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanista­n Reconstruc­tion, or SIGAR, a U.S. government watchdog, the ANDSF comprises 300,699 security personnel, including army, police and air force members. Around one-fifth of them are highly trained special forces operatives; then there are undisclose­d figures for CIA-trained paramilita­ry groups as well as militias associated with the country’s warlords.

The Taliban, the SIGAR report estimates, has around 75,000 fighters.

But those figures should be treated with skepticism. Corruption, which pervades the Afghan security forces just as much as it does the government, means there are “ghost” soldiers and police — personnel who either never show up or never existed but are on the books so that officials can pocket their salaries.

It’s difficult to gauge the scale of the problem, but in 2019, a new payroll system purged more than 10% from the rolls. A year later, another SIGAR report found a gap of 58,478 personnel between recorded and actual strength levels.

The problem is worse among the Afghan police, especially in the south. SIGAR reported in 2020 that, in the southern provinces — areas with pro-Taliban sentiment — 50% to 70% of police positions were for personnel who didn’t exist. (That report also found that half of them use drugs.)

“For a long time, people in the U.S. and the NATO advisory mission have known that the Afghan police are notoriousl­y corrupt,” said Andrew Watkins, senior analyst for Afghanista­n at the Internatio­nal Crisis Group. He added that although the new payroll system had gone some way toward improving the situation, commanders were now skimming off their subordinat­es’ salaries.

“Whatever solution there has been for corruption, corruption has found a way,” he said.

Uneven abilities

When asked last month whether he trusted the Taliban, President Biden brushed off the question, saying instead that he trusted “the capacity of the Afghan military, who is better-trained, better-equipped and ... more competent in terms of conducting war.”

But only a portion of the military would meet that criteria, chief among them the special forces, which are estimated to include about 56,000 operatives. The performanc­e of other sections of the military has been less encouragin­g, with many observers complainin­g of a lack of motivation to fight or of personnel acting as little more than placeholde­rs.

“They’re meant to sit in checkpoint­s and act as a static representa­tion of government presence,” Watkins said. “It’s understood that they don’t fight effectivel­y — they’re certainly not advancing — and that they’re not an offensive force.”

That has led to an all-toofrequen­t routine on the battlefiel­d: Special forces dislodge the Taliban from an area, only for it to be lost again a short time later when other security personnel — whether army, police or local militias — come in to secure those gains and flee before a Taliban counteratt­ack.

Air power reliance

When these less-trained troops do fight, they’ve often looked to air support for cover. But much of that air power has come from the U.S. and its NATO allies, meaning that, as the U.S. draws down, local troops are having to rely more on the Afghan air force for close support, reconnaiss­ance and intelligen­ce-gathering.

The July SIGAR report says all aircraft types in the Afghan air force are flying “at least 25% over their recommende­d scheduled maintenanc­e.” Crews, it says, “remain overtaxed” by an increasing­ly untenable operations tempo.

Just like U.S. and NATO troops, Western contractor­s who are meant to service the aircraft and repair battle damage are also “going to zero,” meaning they are set to depart the country by Aug. 31, with still no concrete plans as to how the air force will be maintained. That’s especially detrimenta­l to the UH-60 Black Hawks, helicopter­s that are used for missions including repulsing Taliban onslaughts, evacuating casualties and resupplyin­g Afghan forces.

Logistical hurdles

Perhaps the biggest problem facing the ANDSF isn’t training or equipment but logistics. With its takeover of rural areas, the Taliban also gains control over more than 80% of the country’s highways. That figure has only increased in recent days as the group has taken additional territory, such that any attempt to resupply the thousands of army and police bases and checkpoint­s must be done almost exclusivel­y by air.

In other words, every bullet, every mortar shell, every gallon of fuel and often every carton of eggs has to be brought in by already overstretc­hed air force crews. And the greater the distance from Kabul or primary bases in Kandahar and elsewhere, the more likely the outpost will fall.

That’s why, for several Afghan officials, including one former high-ranking security head who spoke on condition of anonymity, the recent losses have come as no surprise.

“The ANDSF is very scattered, and it can’t choose its own battlefiel­d,” he said. “The Taliban chooses the battlefiel­d. That meant the ANDSF had to shrink its presence.”

Security plan

This month, Ghani, the president, presented a security plan that he vowed would bring the country back under government control within six months. The general outline of the plan has the army defending strategic targets while the Afghan police provide security in major urban areas.

But another, less-discussed aspect of the plan includes empowering former warlords, including figures with a dark record in Afghan’s conflict-filled history. Ghani’s visit to Mazari-Sharif on Wednesday was an effort to organize a defense of the city with warlord Atta Mohammad Noor and notorious militia leader Abdul Rashid Dostum. There have been reports that Ghani has promised the two leaders air support as well as assistance from the special forces corps to claw back northern territorie­s.

Revisiting pullout

Biden has poured cold water on the idea of the United States becoming involved again, despite the Afghan army’s staggering pace of losses.

“We trained and equipped with modern equipment over 300,000 Afghan forces .... I’ll insist we continue to keep the commitment­s we made, providing close air support, making sure that their air force functions and is operable, resupplyin­g their forces with food and equipment and paying all their salaries,” Biden said in a White House briefing Tuesday. “They’ve got to want to fight.”

As for withdrawin­g U.S. troops within the space of just a few months, “I do not regret my decision,” he said.

 ?? Mohammad Asif Khan Associated Press ?? TALIBAN fighters patrol in Farah after seizing the provincial capital on Wednesday. The insurgents’ lightning takeover of swaths of Afghanista­n leaves observers wondering whether Afghan forces can turn the tide.
Mohammad Asif Khan Associated Press TALIBAN fighters patrol in Farah after seizing the provincial capital on Wednesday. The insurgents’ lightning takeover of swaths of Afghanista­n leaves observers wondering whether Afghan forces can turn the tide.

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