Los Angeles Times

Too many of our pregnant patients turn down COVID vaccines

- By Alyssa Stephenson-Famy and Linda Eckert

In our high-risk pregnancy clinics there are three vaccine conversati­ons that we have with patients regularly. First, there are patients who are vaccinated for COVID-19 and counting down the days until they can schedule a booster shot.

Then there are patients who will accept vaccines for influenza and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) but not COVID-19.

The third conversati­on is with expectant mothers who not only decline a COVID-19 vaccinatio­n but also other vaccines recommende­d in pregnancy.

We have that third conversati­on at least once a day with patients, and we have run out of talking points. We tell these women that if they catch COVID-19, they will be 15 times more likely to die, 14 times more likely to be intubated, and many more times likely to have a preterm birth than those who are uninfected or who have been vaccinated.

No matter what we say, these patients fear that the COVID vaccine will harm them or their babies, despite the overwhelmi­ng evidence to the contrary. They repeatedly turn down the chance to protect themselves and their babies from the coronaviru­s.

Our patients are not alone in their hesitancy.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention only 35.3% of pregnant women in the United States were vaccinated for COVID-19 as of Nov. 6. The numbers are even lower among pregnant Black women (20.6%) and Latina women (31.5%).

More than 24,700 pregnant women in the United States have been hospitaliz­ed with COVID-19. As of Nov. 8, 227 have died from COVID nationwide.

The deadliest month for pregnant women during the pandemic was not in 2020, before vaccines were available, but this past August, during the Delta variant surge.

These numbers do not sway our pregnant patients to comply with our recommenda­tion for vaccinatio­n.

When vaccines first were approved, our patients’ fears were understand­able. Because pregnant women were excluded from early COVID-19 vaccine trials, we OB-GYNs had little data to reassure them that they and their babies would be safe when vaccines first became available.

Once compelling data arrived showing that COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant individual­s and confer protection to newborns, many expectant mothers and women planning to get pregnant had already made up their minds that the vaccines were dangerous, and it was too late to convince them otherwise.

We cannot take our vaccine-hesitant patients on a tour of the ICU, giving them a chance to experience the trepidatio­n we feel every time we put on specialize­d protective equipment just to enter the room of a pregnant patient sick with COVID.

There is no way to express to them the exhaustion and the anguish of trying to find COVID-positive pregnant patients a hospital bed and a nurse to provide care when calls from community hospitals come in with a patient they need to transfer.

There is no way to convey the sense of relief our entire team feels when we successful­ly discharge a mother who has survived COVID and myriad other complicati­ons — though that feeling is inexorably bound to the frustratio­n of knowing that a vaccinatio­n could’ve prevented her admission altogether.

Hospital providers and staff are traumatize­d, overtaxed and in short supply. We know that when a pregnant mother arrives in the hospital with COVID, it may be only a matter of hours before she deteriorat­es and needs an emergency caesarean section.

During this surgery, at least a dozen people — including the surgical team, neonatal-care specialist­s and anesthesio­logists — arrive in an operating room empty of the typical equipment to avoid contaminat­ing surgical supplies beyond the ones needed for this procedure with the virus. We leave our ID badges and pagers outside. We put on N-95 masks and positive air-purifying respirator­s hoods.

It is difficult to talk, breathe or hear each other. A team clears the elevators and hallways to transfer the patient to the operating room, where we wait. When the transfer team leaves, they literally seal the doors shut, with us inside.

For more than 18 months we’ve done this again and again.

One additional challenge for our fragile healthcare system is that we are also in a baby boom: Our hospital in Seattle had record child deliveries this summer.

The contrast between our healthy, normal deliveries and our dire COVID deliveries, happening simultaneo­usly, is almost too much to reconcile.

But until pregnant women are vaccinated against COVID, we will need to do it all over again tomorrow.

According to the CDC only 35.3% of pregnant women in the U.S. had been vaccinated for COVID-19 as of Nov. 6.

Alyssa Stephenson-Famy is an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, specializi­ng in high-risk pregnancie­s, at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Linda Eckert is a professor of obstetrics and gynecology, specializi­ng in infectious diseases and immunizati­on, also at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

 ?? Charles Krupa Associated Press ?? AUGUST was the pandemic’s deadliest month for pregnant women.
Charles Krupa Associated Press AUGUST was the pandemic’s deadliest month for pregnant women.

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