Los Angeles Times

Tax carbon to save sequoias


Re “Fires take heavy toll on sequoias,” Nov. 20

Imagine 5% of the Egyptian pyramids destroyed in 14 months. Or 5% of the Great Wall of China. Or 5% of the Taj Mahal in India.

Eventually, they would be gone and irreplacea­ble.

The headline for your article on the destructio­n of California’s giant sequoias in this year’s massive wildfires could have been, “Fossil fuels take heavy toll on world’s unique treasures.” What will it take for the average American to become motivated to demand that their representa­tives take the climate emergency seriously and cut carbon emissions?

If it means a lifetime pension for every oil rig worker and coal miner put out of work, fine. If it means a tax of $100 or $200 per ton on carbon, fine.

People cannot continue to allow an infinitesi­mal percentage of the world’s inhabitant­s to ruin the Earth for everyone else, for profit, while we watch. Whatever the cost, it’s more than worth it.

Unlike a few of the especially treasured sequoias, you cannot wrap the Amazon rainforest or the Russian permafrost in aluminum foil.

Gary Stewart Laguna Beach

I am a fourth-generation California­n. I’m proud of a great deal about my home state, but its giant sequoia trees in the Sierra Nevada are the crown jewel.

My family has long believed that to walk among the sequoias is to be in the presence of a higher power. The oldest of these trees was born during the rise of the Roman Empire. They have known fire — but nothing has ever known this sort of fire, the sort exacerbate­d by humancause­d climate change.

To lose even more giant sequoias would be an incalculab­le loss to us all. We have shirked our duty to protect them in favor of the temporary profits of fossil fuel companies. But the bill is due.

Each of us must demand, today, that our leaders take the drastic action that we know is necessary: an immediate fee on carbon emissions at their source, which will hasten the phase-out of all fossil fuels. Our history and our future absolutely depend on it. Kevin Oeser


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