Los Angeles Times

Don’t ban gas. Raise the price


Re “Next climate fight: Lose the gas stove?” Dec. 19

When it comes to cooking, gas is great. But if we are to save the planet from the catastroph­ic effects of climate change, we must transition away from carbon fuels and therefore gas appliances in our homes.

The way to do that is not with government rules, regulation­s and bans on natural gas plumbing. The way to do it is to put a price on carbon fuels to reflect the cost to society and the environmen­t of burning them. Putting a price on carbon fuels would make electric appliances more attractive financiall­y.

For many households, an induction stove is costprohib­itive. Putting a price on carbon would create demand, spurring competitio­n and bringing prices down. A price on carbon would bring the changes we need. Rules and bans just get people mad.


Long Beach

I did not see anywhere in the article the issue of increased costs of energy for the consumer if natural gas is phased out.

My small house has a gas furnace, gas water heater, gas dryer and gas stove. I do not have air conditioni­ng, so the electricit­y powers lights and other appliances. My monthly gas bill averages one-half of my monthly electric bill.

Then, of course, there is the increased cost of the new spiffy appliances that will go into new constructi­on and remodeled homes, thereby increasing the cost of building, leading to climbing sale and rental prices. At the same time, rooftop solar incentives are being reduced, and utilities will soon charge their solar customers more.

Air quality will benefit, of course, but electric companies should anticipate a bonanza.


Los Angeles

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