Los Angeles Times

Undergradu­ates are ‘continuing to sit out in droves’

California enrollment has fallen about 4.3%, with big losses among community colleges.


California’s fall 2021 undergradu­ate enrollment dropped by nearly a quartermil­lion students since prepandemi­c fall 2019, according to a survey released Thursday.

The report from the National Student Clearingho­use shows that California saw an overall decline of more than 99,000 — or 4.3% — in undergradu­ate enrollment from fall 2020 to fall 2021, driven largely by a 9.9% drop in community colleges.

The overall one-year enrollment drop is less than the decline of 148,113 in fall 2020 when students were online.

Nationally, enrollment dropped from fall 2020 to fall 2021 by 3.1% — a loss of 465,300 students, bringing the combined enrollment losses since fall 2019 to more than 1 million.

“Our final look at fall 2021 enrollment shows undergradu­ates continuing to sit out in droves as colleges navigate yet another year of COVID-19,” said Doug Shapiro, executive director of the National Student Clearingho­use Research Center. “Without a dramatic reengageme­nt in their education, the potential loss to these students’ earnings and futures is significan­t, which will greatly impact the nation as a whole in years to come.”

The report offers a more comprehens­ive estimate than the nonprofit’s previous November report that estimated an overall 6.5% drop in California, largely because about 33% more in

stitutions reported data.

Declines in four-year public universiti­es were also seen across the country. In California, enrollment at public four-year universiti­es dropped by 2.9% from fall 2020, better than in 25 other states.

California saw the eighthlarg­est percentage drop in community college enrollment, after Washington, New York, Maine, Mississipp­i, Oregon, Pennsylvan­ia and South Dakota. Shapiro has said that the community college decline is probably due to students opting for the job market over education.

Enrollment numbers aren’t yet available for the start of the 2022 spring term, when the University of California, California State University and private university campuses delayed the start of in-person instructio­n amid rising cases of the Omicron variant. Community colleges across the state have largely stuck to hybrid schedules.

At the Los Angeles Community College District, onsite classes account for 4,475 enrollment­s — or about 15% of the districtwi­de enrollment, Chancellor Francisco Rodriguez said Wednesday during a Board of Trustees meeting. The most recent data for winter classes showed a headcount of about 27,389.

The goal for the spring quarter, which begins in February, is to have a “50-50 split” between remote and in-person enrollment.

“The goal, however, may or may not be achieved due to students’ personal safety choices regarding the current surge and the preference­s to enroll in in-person sessions. We’re monitoring that, we’re testing that, we’re following up with students on that, we’re looking at enrollment­s very, very carefully and of course are trying to meet the needs of students,” Rodriguez said.

Community colleges have struggled to recruit firsttime students and reconnect with those who have stepped away. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s budget addressed the difficulty by proposing $150 million to build on a previous $120-million investment in community colleges’ enrollment and recruitmen­t efforts.

 ?? Al Seib Los Angeles Times ?? NATIONALLY, undergradu­ate enrollment is down 3.1%. Above, a student at L.A. Community College.
Al Seib Los Angeles Times NATIONALLY, undergradu­ate enrollment is down 3.1%. Above, a student at L.A. Community College.

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