Los Angeles Times

Family fears for American in Ukraine jail

Amid crisis with Russia, sister is afraid U.S. will forget about her brother, accused of assassinat­ion plot.

- By Eric Tucker Tucker writes for the Associated Press.

WASHINGTON — When Kurt Groszhans set out from North Dakota for Ukraine in 2017, he was eager to connect with his family’s ancestral homeland and to farm the rich, black soil for which the country is known.

But his farming venture with a law professor who’s now a high-ranking Ukrainian government official soon collapsed in acrimony and accusation­s, culminatin­g in his arrest last November on suspicion of plotting to kill his former business partner. Groszhans’ family and supporters say the accusation­s are bogus and designed to silence his allegation­s of corruption in Ukraine, a country pulled between Russian and Western interests and straining to shed its reputation for graft and cronyism.

The case is unfolding as Ukraine braces for a potential Russian invasion and as Washington has ordered the families of American personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, the capital, to leave the country. The upheaval has Groszhans’ family afraid that he could be left behind, with the U.S. government preoccupie­d with broader concerns of possible military action and geopolitic­al crisis.

“We’re terrified for my brother’s well-being right now, especially everything that you’re hearing in the news with the Russian troops on the border,” his sister, Kristi Magnusson, said in an interview with the Associated Press. With fears that an invasion could force the evacuation of all U.S. diplomatic staff, she called on the Biden administra­tion and the State Department to “use their leverage” to get her brother home.

“If the embassy is not there to check on him and make sure that he’s doing OK, we don’t know what will happen,” she said.

The State Department said the administra­tion took seriously its responsibi­lity to help detained Americans and was closely following the

case, but declined to comment further.

Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, who recently visited Groszhans at the detention center where he awaits trial, said the episode has “created friction between at least me and them, if not our two government­s, that should be alleviated” at a time when U.S. and Ukrainian interests should be aligned in countering the threat from Moscow.

“This bit of friction is unnecessar­y,” he said. “And I think we could relieve all of us of it simply by releasing Kurt.”

To Groszhans, a 50-yearold farmer from Ashley, N.D., the chance to work Ukraine’s coveted black earth was a “dream come true,” and he invested a large sum to get a farming operation up and running, his sister said. In a country with a prized agricultur­al sector, Groszhans was proud of his work, she said, sending photos to his family of his crops.

Once there, he connected with a law professor, Roman Leshchenko, who offered himself up as a native speaker with knowledge of the local farming business and regulatory requiremen­ts. Groszhans named him the director of his company. Things fell apart quickly. Groszhans has alleged in a lawsuit and in an internet post that Leshchenko began embezzling money from him, defrauding him of more than $250,000 and transferri­ng funds to a family company. Groszhans has been vocal about his allegation­s, describing himself in a Medium post in August as a “humble” but deceived investor.

“Probably, I am not the first or the last American investor who made a mistake in the person hired as a manager. But the personalit­y of this manager makes my case unique,” he wrote.

Leshchenko declined to comment to the AP but has denied the embezzleme­nt allegation­s in interviews with the Ukrainian media and insisted that the men had agreed that Leshchenko’s company would run the farming business.

He has leveled his own accusation­s against Groszhans, alleging that the American planted a geneticall­y modified soybean that is banned from cultivatio­n and sales in Ukraine. Leshchenko says it was that discovery that was the source of their dispute and prompted him to resign from the company.

“The circumstan­ces of this criminal proceeding must be verified as part of the pretrial investigat­ion conducted by the National Police and only on the basis of the results of which, after the relevant facts and their evidence have been clarified and establishe­d, the prosecutor’s office can make appropriat­e procedural decisions,” Tetyana Kozachenko, a lawyer for Leshchenko, told the AP.

Ukrainian media that began looking into the conflict reported that Leshchenko had used some of the funds for a roughly $60,000 contributi­on to the 2019 campaign of current President Volodymyr Zelensky, who later named Leshchenko the government’s minister of agrarian policy and food.

The AP was unable to independen­tly confirm the contributi­on. Zelensky’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Amid controvers­y about the contributi­on, Leshchenko was interviewe­d by the Kyiv Post last year. The article said the $60,000 donation came from Leshchenko’s dying father.

Magnusson says Leshchenko ultimately returned some money to her brother but also threatened to have him arrested if he didn’t stop talking publicly about his fraud accusation­s.

In November, Groszhans was arrested along with his assistant on suspicion of plotting to kill Leshchenko, allegation­s that Groszhans’ supporters say are wholly fabricated but may have arisen from Groszhans’ hiring of a private investigat­or to dig into Leshchenko as part of his litigation.

The arrest, his family and supporters believe, was a pretext for silencing his allegation­s, particular­ly in a country that has sought to shore up diplomatic and military support from the U.S. through reassuranc­es that it is seriously trying to curb corruption.

“My brother has never in all of his 50 years of life ... been in trouble with the law,” Magnusson said. “And we don’t believe any of this can be true, because why would you want to assassinat­e somebody if you’re trying to collect money back that is legally owed to you?”

Groszhans’ supporters are asking the Biden administra­tion to formally designate him a wrongful detainee, a classifica­tion that would allow for his case to be reassigned to the Office of the Special Presidenti­al Envoy for Hostage Affairs at the State Department.

But his family fears that the window for attention to Groszhan’s case may be limited, given the potential for an incursion into Ukraine by Russia and the United States’ dwindling diplomatic presence in Kyiv.

“It just makes us more and more concerned for him and for his safety to know that these people could be leaving and Kurt is forgotten about, and he’s left behind,” Magnusson said.

 ?? Kristi Magnusson ?? AMERICAN farmer Kurt Groszhans, shown in Ukraine last year, awaits trial on charges of plotting to kill his former business partner, Roman Leshchenko, a government minister. His family says the charges are bogus.
Kristi Magnusson AMERICAN farmer Kurt Groszhans, shown in Ukraine last year, awaits trial on charges of plotting to kill his former business partner, Roman Leshchenko, a government minister. His family says the charges are bogus.

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