Los Angeles Times

Do away with faith exemptions


Re “Online pastors, form letters and vax exemptions,” Feb. 6

Several things struck me as deeply flawed about the industry of bogus religious exemption certificat­es for people trying to evade COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

One, very few religions ban vaccines. Organizati­ons that sell the “certificat­es” and copy-and-paste wording are not acting in a religious way. They are bowing to ignorance and greed.

Two, we have a pandemic roaring, and in California alone, 80,000 people have died of COVID-19. Getting vaccinated will end the pandemic; people should recognize this and not believe misinforma­tion.

Three, we need firefighte­rs, police officers, doctors, nurses and others who are first responders to be vaccinated. If they can’t do that, they should find another job.

Finally, perhaps we need to eliminate the religious exemption altogether. It is too often used as an excuse and is causing headaches for employers when they have much more important matters to address.

People, please support your family and your country, and get vaccinated. Linda Randolph

Los Angeles

I understand that we are all tired of the pandemic and of wearing masks. But I fail to understand why so many people refuse to get vaccinated, despite the fact that the overwhelmi­ng majority of those who are now getting infected and hospitaliz­ed are precisely the people who refuse vaccinatio­n.

Without vaccines, smallpox would still be ravaging humanity, as would polio, childhood measles and many other potentiall­y fatal diseases. Are the vaccine refusers simply misinforme­d or ignorant of the dangers? Do they consider themselves superior and immune? What is it?

I sometimes feel that the willfully unvaccinat­ed who contract COVID-19 should be denied hospital care, but I cannot be so lacking in compassion. Would that the willfully unvaccinat­ed had such compassion for the rest of us and the healthcare workers who labor so tirelessly to save them. Maureen Sheehy

Van Nuys

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