Los Angeles Times

Virologist won Nobel for HIV virus discovery


French researcher Luc Montagnier, who won a Nobel Prize in 2008 for discoverin­g the HIV virus and more recently spread false claims about the coronaviru­s, has died at age 89.

Montagnier died Tuesday at the American Hospital of Paris in Neuilly-surSeine, a western suburb of the capital, the area’s city hall said. No other details have been released.

A virologist, Montagnier led the team that in 1983 identified the human immunodefi­ciency virus, HIV, that causes AIDS, leading him to share the 2008 Nobel Prize in medicine with colleague Francoise Barré-Sinoussi.

Frédérique Vidal, the French minister for higher education and research, praised Montagnier’s work on HIV in a written statement Thursday and expressed her condolence­s to his family.

Montagnier was born in 1932 in the village of Chabris in central France.

According to his autobiogra­phy on the Nobel Prize website, Montagnier studied medicine in Poitiers and Paris. He said recent scientific discoverie­s in 1957 inspired him to become a virologist in the rapidly advancing field of molecular biology.

He joined the National Centre for Scientific Research in 1960 and became head of the Pasteur Institute’s virology department in 1972.

“My involvemen­t in AIDS began in 1982, when the informatio­n circulated that a transmissi­ble agent — possibly a virus — could be at the origin of this new mysterious disease,” Montagnier wrote in his autobiogra­phy.

In 1983, a working group led by Montagnier and Barré-Sinoussi at the Pasteur Institute isolated the virus that would later become known as HIV and was able to unravel how it caused AIDS.

American scientist Robert Gallo claimed to have found the same virus at almost exactly the same time, sparking a disagreeme­nt over who should get the credit.

The United States and France settled a dispute over the patent for an AIDS test in 1987.

Montagnier was later credited as the discoverer of the virus, Gallo as the creator of the first test.

Since the end of the 2000s, Montagnier started expressing views that seemed devoid of a scientific basis. His opinions led him to be shunned by much of the internatio­nal scientific community.

As COVID-19 spread across the globe and conspiracy theories flourished, Montagnier was among those behind misinforma­tion about the origins of the coronaviru­s.

During a 2020 interview with French news broadcaste­r CNews, he claimed that the coronaviru­s did not originate in nature and was manipulate­d.

Experts who have looked at the genome sequence of the virus have said Montagnier’s statement was false.

Last year, he claimed in a French documentar­y that COVID-19 vaccines had led to the creation of coronaviru­s variants.

Experts contacted by the Associated Press explained that variants found across the globe began emerging long before vaccines were widely available.

They said evidence suggests new variants evolved as a result of prolonged viral infections in the population and were not created by vaccines, which are designed to prevent such infections.

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