Los Angeles Times

IRS chief seeks probe of Comey, McCabe audits


The IRS commission­er has asked the Treasury Department’s internal watchdog to immediatel­y review the circumstan­ces surroundin­g intensive tax audits that targeted ex-FBI Director James B. Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, frequent targets of Donald Trump’s ire during his presidency.

IRS spokespers­on Jodie Reynolds said Thursday that the agency has officially referred the matter to the inspector general for tax administra­tion after Commission­er Charles Rettig, who was nominated to the job by Trump and is a close ally of the former president, personally reached out.

Reynolds said it is “ludicrous and untrue to suggest that senior IRS officials somehow targeted specific individual­s” for such audits.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that the former FBI leaders were subjected to rare IRS audits of their tax returns. The newspaper said Comey was informed of the audit in 2019 and McCabe learned he was under scrutiny in 2021. Rettig, whose term is set to expire in November, faced blistering criticism from Democrats for helping to shield Trump’s tax returns from the public.

Trump repeatedly attacked Comey and McCabe over the FBI’s Russia investigat­ion that shadowed his presidency for years. Trump fired Comey in 2017 in the midst of that investigat­ion, which ultimately was taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller, named to that job by Trump’s Justice Department.

The FBI inquiry began in the summer of 2016, months before Trump was elected. The bureau had learned that a former Trump campaign aide had been saying, before it was publicly known, that Russia had dirt on Trump’s Democratic rival for the White House, Hillary Clinton, in the form of stolen emails.

Those emails were hacked from Democratic email accounts by Russian intelligen­ce. They were released by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks before the election in what U.S. officials have said was an effort to harm Clinton’s campaign and help Trump’s. Trump repeatedly called the investigat­ion a “witch hunt.”

A 2019 review by the Justice Department’s inspector general knocked down multiple lines of attack against the Russia investigat­ion, finding that officials properly opened the inquiry and that law enforcemen­t leaders were not motivated by political bias. The watchdog did identify a number of problems in the investigat­ion, leading the FBI to take steps aimed at fixing some fundamenta­l operations, such as applying for surveillan­ce warrants and interactin­g with confidenti­al sources.

McCabe was fired in March 2018 after the Justice Department’s inspector general concluded he had authorized the release of informatio­n to a newspaper reporter and then misled internal investigat­ors about his role in the leak. The terminatio­n by Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general at the time, came hours before McCabe was due to retire.

McCabe won back his full pension as part of a settlement of his lawsuit arising from his firing. The settlement agreement vacated that decision, expunged from his personnel folder references to the firing and entitled McCabe, who joined the FBI in 1996, to his full pension.

According to the IRS website, the audits the two men and their wives underwent are part of a program that randomly selects tax returns to examine tax compliance and improve the system.

McCabe, in comments on CNN, where he is a law enforcemen­t analyst, described the two audits as a “coincidenc­e that ... really is almost impossible statistica­lly” and said they raised questions that should be answered. He said it was “appropriat­e for the IRS to do the responsibl­e thing and look into it and determine whether or not something, you know, went awry in this program.”

Comey said in a statement that he could not say whether anything improper happened, “but after learning how unusual this audit was and how badly Trump wanted to hurt me during that time, it made sense to try to figure it out.”

Asked Thursday whether Biden has confidence in Rettig, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre simply noted that his term is set to expire later this year.

“He is going to be up in November, so I will leave it there,” Jean-Pierre said.

‘After learning how unusual this audit was and how badly Trump wanted to hurt me during that time, it made sense to try to figure it out.’

— JAMES B. COMEY, former director of the FBI

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