Los Angeles Times

Getting, then losing housing


Re “Homeless and hoarding,” Column One, July 22

Your article is heartbreak­ing and an example of the endless churning of individual­s into and out of temporary housing.

Unhoused individual­s go through the humiliatin­g process of getting temporary housing only to be “kicked out” for not observing the rules, because their trauma or lack of coherent thinking prevents them from understand­ing rules, or because the program ended. Individual­s with a disability, especially one that is cognitive or behavioral, are at a disadvanta­ge.

It’s not the fault of case managers who work hard to match people to temporary housing; rather, it’s a lack of housing and resources for the overwhelmi­ng number of people in need.

In the community where I live, volunteers like me work with unhoused individual­s for years. When those individual­s are finally relocated into temporary housing, something happens — an argument, an incident, something else — and the individual is kicked out and back on the street.

And Los Angeles residents wonder why we have a homelessne­ss problem.

Jane Demian

Los Angeles

As a retired special education teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, I cannot understand how Mario Blanco was allowed to struggle and fail in education, without being referred for special help.

I would like to mandate that all the politicos who claim to have a solution for the problem of homelessne­ss be required to read these articles and explain in detail how their plan deals with each of the points raised.

If only Blanco were living in my Palms neighborho­od, I’d treat his dog Leo the Lion to a compliment­ary grooming.

Lisa Edmondson

Los Angeles

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