Los Angeles Times

Homeland Security snubs Jan. 6 inquiry

Inspector general rebuffs lawmakers’ request for details about deleted texts.

- Associated press

WASHINGTON — The Homeland Security Department’s inspector general has refused congressio­nal requests for documents and staff testimony about the erasure of Secret Service communicat­ion related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, angering top Democrats who accuse him of unlawfully obstructin­g their investigat­ion.

In an Aug. 8 letter disclosed Tuesday, Inspector General Joseph Cuffari told the leaders of the House Oversight and Homeland Security committees that his office will not comply with their requests for internal documents and sit-down interviews due to the ongoing criminal investigat­ion into deleted Secret Service text messages.

In response, House Oversight Chair Carolyn B. Maloney and Homeland Security Chair Bennie Thompson sent a letter Tuesday demanding Cuffari turn over documents and make his staff available to lawmakers or risk facing a potential congressio­nal subpoena.

“Your obstructio­n of the Committees’ investigat­ions is unacceptab­le, and your justificat­ions for this noncomplia­nce appear to ref lect a fundamenta­l misunderst­anding of Congress’s authority and your duties as an Inspector General,” Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Thompson (D-Miss.) wrote in the letter.

“If you continue to refuse to comply with our requests, we will have no choice but to consider alternate measures to ensure your compliance,” they wrote.

It was the latest backand-forth over the text messages since mid-July, when Cuffari sent a letter to Congress disclosing that Secret Service text messages sent and received around Jan. 6, 2021, were deleted despite requests from Congress and federal investigat­ors that they be preserved.

Since then, the two House committees say they have obtained evidence that shows the inspector general’s office first learned of the missing Secret Service text messages in May 2021, as part of its investigat­ion into the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

They say emails between top Homeland Security inspector general officials show the agency — which oversees the Secret Service — decided to abandon efforts to recover those text messages in July 2021, nearly a year before they first informed Congress they were erased.

Lawmakers want answers to why watchdog officials chose “not to pursue critical informatio­n from the Secret Service at this point in this investigat­ion,” and only decided to renew their request to the Department of Homeland Security for certain text messages more than four months later in December 2021.

The erasure of the messages has raised the prospect of lost evidence that could shed further light on then-President Trump’s actions during the insurrecti­on, particular­ly after testimony about his confrontat­ion with security as he tried to join supporters at the Capitol.

There are now two congressio­nal inquiries into the Secret Service’s and the Department of Homeland Security’s handling of those communicat­ions.

The missing texts are also at the center of the Jan. 6 inquiry by the House committee, which is chaired by Thompson.

The Secret Service has since turned over a large number of records and documents to the committee investigat­ing the Capitol insurrecti­on, but only one text message between agents on the day before the attack.

The Secret Service has insisted that proper procedures were followed. Agency spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said last month that “the insinuatio­n that the Secret Service maliciousl­y deleted text messages following a request is false.”

Maloney and Thompson told Cuffari that his “failure to comply with our outstandin­g requests lacks any legal justificat­ion and is unacceptab­le.”

They gave his office until Aug. 23 to provide “all responsive documents” and make personnel available for interviews before lawmakers issue a congressio­nal subpoena.

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