Los Angeles Times

Democrats face key races in Florida, New York

Primary to determine who will run against Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is seeking a second term.

- By Will Weissert Weissert writes for the Associated Press. AP writers Michelle Price, Anthony Izaguirre, Brendan Farrington and Sean Murphy contribute­d to this report.

WASHINGTON — Tuesday’s primary elections feature two Florida Democrats squaring off for the chance to face Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is considered a top alternativ­e to Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP presidenti­al contest.

In New York, redistrict­ing has left two longtime House Democratic colleagues competing for the same seat, and the head of the party’s campaign arm in the chamber is running in new territory and faces a challenge from the left.

Oklahoma Republican­s will choose between two Trump loyalists competing in a runoff to be their party’s nominee to finish the term of retiring GOP Sen. James M. Inhofe.

What to watch:


Once the nation’s largest swing state, Florida has trended more Republican in recent years. Trump won it twice, and the GOP’s domination of the Legislatur­e has given DeSantis a national platform to carry out a brand of culture-war politics that’s delighted Republican donors and sparked speculatio­n he’ll run for president.

State Agricultur­e Commission­er Nikki Fried and U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, who was once governor as a Republican, are vying for the Democratic nomination to compete against DeSantis in November.

Fried, the only statewide-elected Democrat, has sought to portray Crist as a Democrat in name only. She has highlighte­d his past antiaborti­on stance and his appointmen­t of conservati­ve state Supreme Court justices. Crist has dismissed Fried’s criticisms as lastditch efforts to counter his fundraisin­g and high-profile endorsemen­ts.

In the U.S. Senate race, the primary is expected to cement a general election matchup between incumbent Republican Marco Rubio and Democratic U.S. Rep. Val Demings.

One of the House’s most controvers­ial members, Republican Matt Gaetz, is facing a strong primary challenge from Mark Lombardo, a former Marine and former FedEx executive who has run a series of ads attacking Gaetz for being under federal investigat­ion in a sextraffic­king case.

Running for the Democratic nomination for Gaetz’s seat is Rebekah Jones, a former Florida Department of Health employee who received national attention after she questioned the state’s COVID-19 online dashboard and claimed it wasn’t reporting accurate numbers. Jones is facing Peggy Schiller, a Democratic Party activist.

New York

New York is holding its second round of primary elections after voting in June for statewide races. Tuesday’s balloting, which will cover the state’s 26 U.S. House seats, was delayed after a judge ordered a redrawing of political maps.

The new congressio­nal districts have caused Democratic consternat­ion, especially over a new Manhattana­rea seat that has turned two incumbents into rivals. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, who has represente­d the Upper East Side for three decades, is facing Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who has represente­d the Upper West Side for just as long.

Maloney, 76, and Nadler, 75, each chair powerful committees. Running in the same primary is Suraj Patel, a 38-year-old attorney who says it’s time for a new generation of leaders.

Nadler has been endorsed by the New York Times and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer of New York. But turnout could be low since many district residents have left for summer vacations, especially wealthy voters who have second homes elsewhere, making predicting the winner difficult.

Unpredicta­ble turnout could also decide a primary in an ultra-liberal district in southern Manhattan and Brooklyn. Competing there is progressiv­e Rep. Mondaire Jones, who currently represents a Hudson Valley seat but is running farther south to avoid another incumbent-on-incumbent challenge.

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, who heads the House Democratic campaign organizati­on, is running in a new suburban district. He swapped districts without consulting Jones, who currently represents most of the area. The move rankled the left and led state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi to challenge him for the seat.


Two Trump supporters are competing in the Republican primary runoff for the remainder of Inhofe’s term, which expires in January 2027.

Rep. Markwayne Mullin, a plumbing company owner who won his eastern Oklahoma House seat in 2012, finished atop a 13-candidate GOP field in June but came up short of the 50% threshold needed to clinch the primary outright.

Mullin faces former Oklahoma House Speaker T.W. Shannon, a bank executive who ran unsuccessf­ully for an open U.S. Senate seat in 2014. The winner will be heavily favored in November against former Democratic Rep. Kendra Horn.

In a state where nearly 10% of the population identifies as Native American, both Mullin and Shannon are members of Native American tribes.

In Oklahoma’s other Senate race, Jason Bollinger, an attorney, and Madison Horn, a cybersecur­ity expert, are competing in the Democratic primary runoff to face incumbent Republican Sen. James Lankford in November.

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