Los Angeles Times

At Twitter, a $44-billion life lesson

Site’s biggest problem used to be the human nature of users. Elon Musk changed all that.

- By Matt Pearce

Twitter has always been a weird place, but things have gotten more feral the last couple of weeks thanks to the service’s off-putting new owner, Elon Musk. A role model in the worst way, his trolling and despotic workplace practices have set the tone for a grass-roots insurrecti­on inside the internet’s so-called town square.

Let’s start with the users defiling the site with parodies of Musk and prominent corporatio­ns. It’s an obvious effort to monkey-wrench his efforts to juice revenues to pay for the company’s debtladen $44-billion acquisitio­n, and the vandalism seems to have left its mark.

Risk-averse advertiser­s, which previously provided almost all of Twitter’s income, have been fleeing, for some reason not attracted back by Musk’s promise to “thermonucl­ear name & shame” them for leaving.

There’s a growing fear that the company might go bankrupt, as Musk himself suggested last week. Or that he has already laid off so many employees (half the staff has been let go so far) that one day someone will delete an obscure line of code that was keeping the whole app running.

Mild-mannered users I follow have given their own votes of no-confidence by preemptive­ly saying goodbye, in the fond sort of way you might expect if an unstoppabl­e asteroid were days from impact.

It’s nice to know that in the moments before unavoidabl­e vaporizati­on or completely avoidable server failure, one’s thoughts turn to love; many thoughts also seem to be turning toward inviting followers to switch over to rival services such as Instagram, Substack or the upstart Mastodon.

Then there are the Twitter survivalis­ts, quietly reaching out via direct message, asking if we could mutually agree to delete our private chat history in case of some sort of reputation-destroying security breach.

If our fragile little online society is going to break down, these are the people focused on the business of surviving if looting erupts. Musk’s changes have already interfered with the service’s two-factor authentica­tion protection, a critical security tool to protect users’ accounts.

This is the loser stink wafting off Twitter among many of its longtime regular users right now, despite Musk’s claims of modest gains of user engagement under his ownership, which have also coincided with the newsy U.S. midterm season.

The more Musk-friendly view of the situation is that Twitter had gotten too corporate, too censorious — too boring in recent years, and it needed drastic change.

Twitter had never been all that much of a moneymaker when it was publicly traded. President Trump got banned from the site after his followers’ Jan. 6, 2021, insurrecti­on to avoid “the risk of further incitement of violence”; he also happened to be one of the site’s most popular, engaged-with users. Conservati­ves emigrated under what they felt was a too liberal-flavored content-moderation regime. Many power users and celebritie­s simply wandered away for their own reasons, spending more time on visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Some people thought the place needed a dictator figure to clean things up; cofounder Jack Dorsey called Musk “the singular solution I trust.”

But even Caesars need Roman senators who won’t stab them in the back if they want to reign long enough to enjoy the empire. At almost every possible turn, Musk has alienated key constituen­cies seemingly necessary for Twitter’s success; his actions suggest contracts don’t really need to be honored, advertiser­s don’t really need to be wooed, experts don’t really need to be heeded, users don’t really need to be courted.

Perhaps most bewilderin­g of all is his increasing­ly public abuse of his own employees, the workers franticall­y trying to overhaul the service so he can earn his billions back. The company’s initial mass layoff went over poorly, with many learning they’d been cut after realizing they couldn’t log into their laptops anymore. This week, Musk, a notoriousl­y bad boss, is celebratin­g the terminatio­n of several more Twitter employees who had publicly suggested that he doesn’t actually know what he’s talking about or who had privately vented on the company Slack.

“I would like to apologize for firing these geniuses. Their immense talent will no doubt be of great use elsewhere,” Musk tweeted sarcastica­lly Tuesday after several Twitter employees were reportedly fired for criticizin­g him, adding of one specific employee: “A tragic case of adult onset Tourette’s.” Imagine Disney buying more ads to place next to this sort of stuff.

Demonstrat­ing anything less than servility to the world’s wealthiest man seems to make Musk lash out, which is probably one of the reasons he hates journalist­s and left-wing politician­s so much.

Maybe you can get away with that more easily as the owner of a rocket company or a car company. But that’s a real risk for an owner of a social media platform, especially one whose users are infamous for cyberbully­ing the thinnest-skinned targets they can find.

Every story about Musk’s lieutenant­s hunting for minor critics to severely punish only throws chum in the water for his haters, who now have far more surface area to attack. Several fired Twitter employees have publicly celebrated their terminatio­ns with the salute emoji, a sign of solidarity rather than solemn contrition.

It’s not clear how any of this makes users want to give their hard-earned money to an ill-tempered billionair­e, or why other workers might want to subject themselves to this kind of work environmen­t. Or how any of this serves the cause of free speech, public enlightenm­ent or democracy itself. It’s not even clear how any of this serves the company’s survivabil­ity, let alone its profitabil­ity.

Musk’s objectives aren’t clear because they don’t have to be clear; under the law, some of the world’s most critical communicat­ions infrastruc­ture now belongs to him, to destroy as he personally pleases — or to transform into his own erratic image, if he can manage it.

Twitter employees getting fired for talking back clarifies one thing, though: $44 billion can buy you Twitter, but it can’t buy you respect.

 ?? Susan Walsh Associated Press ?? AT ALMOST every turn, Elon Musk has alienated key constituen­cies seemingly necessary for Twitter’s success, commentato­r writes.
Susan Walsh Associated Press AT ALMOST every turn, Elon Musk has alienated key constituen­cies seemingly necessary for Twitter’s success, commentato­r writes.

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