Los Angeles Times

When will she be back home?


Re “Griner faces grim reality of hard time,” Dec. 4

Am I the only one who continues to follow basketball star Brittney Griner’s current predicamen­t with horror and outrage at the inadequacy of our government’s involvemen­t? Her criminal trial abroad should never have taken place, and our efforts to extract her from Russia’s vengeful grasp have been shamefully ineffectiv­e.

Look, we all know she broke the law when she entered Russia in February with a trace amount of cannabis. But isn’t it obvious to everyone that the punishment does not fit the crime?

With the terrible fighting going on in Ukraine, and with reports of war crimes perpetrate­d by Russian troops that go unpunished, should the U.S. government not try harder to get Griner safely home?

Cynthia Kokawa

Lerner Los Angeles

No prisoner anywhere should be forced to work as a slave or be deprived of basic human rights, malnourish­ed, abused, tortured, raped or live in subhuman conditions of filth, danger and overcrowdi­ng.

As I read about Griner’s imprisonme­nt at a notorious Russian penal colony, it made me reflect on the terrifying prison system we have in the U.S. Here, the 13th Amendment to the Constituti­on allows slave labor for prisoners, and rape and murder behind bars are commonplac­e, as are overcrowdi­ng, poor food and gang violence.

One big difference between the U.S. and Russia is that we incarcerat­e almost twice as many people on a per capita basis. I hope that by decrying the brutal conditions that Griner faces in Russia, we can pause to reflect on prison conditions here at home.

Rob Aft Rancho Park

Let Griner’s case be a lesson to anyone who uses drugs — leave them at home.

There are many countries that have harsh penalties for drug smuggling, even for the tiny amount found on Griner’s belongings. She is learning this the hard way.

James Tyner Venice

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