Los Angeles Times

France unveils plan to tackle racism

‘There will be no impunity for hate,’ prime minister says.


PARIS — Name it, act on it, sanction it.

That is the focus of a campaign against racism, antisemiti­sm and discrimina­tion of all kinds that was announced Monday by French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne.

The four-year plan starts with educating youth via a required yearly trip to a Holperienc­e memorial or other site that demonstrat­es the horrors racism can produce. It includes training teachers and civil servants about discrimina­tion and toughening punishment­s. Arrest warrants will be issued to those who use freedom of expression for racist or antisemiti­c means.

“There will be no impunity for hate,” Borne said as she presented her plan, which has 80 measures, at the Institute of the Arab World in Paris.

Tolerance is increasing, “but hate has reinvented itself,” she said. “Our first challenge is to look squarely at the reality of racism and antisemiti­sm and cede nothing to those who falsify history, who rewrite our past, forgetting or deforming some pages.”

Some who have worked for years at French organizati­ons that fight racism and discrimina­tion are skeptical about the plan, reject it outright or are reserving judgment.

Even Kaltoum Gachi, a lawyer and co-president of the anti-racist organizati­on MRAP, which contribute­d a proposal to Borne, told the Associated Press that her group “will be vigilant to see if, concretely, [the plan] bears fruit.”

France’s government over 50 years has rolled out a series of plans to grapple with racism, antisemiti­sm and discrimina­tion, the latest in 2018. Still, an estimated 1.2 million people per year suffer as least one racist, antisemiti­c or xenophobic attack, according to the National Consultati­ve Commission on Human Rights.

A rising far right and increasing­ly multicultu­ral population have added new dimensions to the conflict.

Gachi told attendees that 25 years ago, her younger brother Kamel failed in numerous requests to get a job with an automaker — until he changed his name to Kevin. Just on Monday, Gachi told the Associated Press, she spoke with a youth who faced the same problem, a humiliatin­g exocaust that leaves a lasting mark.

Borne said her plan will offer victims of racism and discrimina­tion the possibilit­y to file complaints outside of a police station, in a “partially anonymous” way. She did not elaborate. The plan will also make it “an aggravatin­g circumstan­ce” if someone in authority, such as a police officer, uses racist or discrimina­tory terms.

However, Borne’s plan dodges some sensitive areas, notably failing to directly tackle discrimina­tion and racial profiling within the nation’s powerful police force.

Omer Mas Capitolin, a founder of the grassroots Community House for Supportive Developmen­t, said the new measures are not sufficient.

There is “a denial of systemic discrimina­tion” not mentioned in the plan, he told the AP.

Mas Capitolin’s organizati­on is one of a group of nongovernm­ental organizati­ons that in 2021 launched a classactio­n suit against France’s police force, contending that it propagates a culture leading to systemic discrimina­tion in identity checks. But he noted that the bias extends beyond law enforcemen­t to housing and jobs.

Mas Capitolin also criticized the timing of Borne’s announceme­nt on the same day that the Parliament opens debate on a hotly contested pension plan.

 ?? Michel Euler Associated Press ?? PARISIANS take to the streets in June 2020 to demonstrat­e against police violence and racial injustice.
Michel Euler Associated Press PARISIANS take to the streets in June 2020 to demonstrat­e against police violence and racial injustice.

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