Los Angeles Times

Zelensky, Putin rally troops for war’s next phase

As Kyiv gets Western weapons for a possible counteroff­ensive, the Ukrainian and Russian leaders visit forces.

- By Adam Pemble

KYIV, Ukraine — Russian President Vladimir Putin visited command posts of his forces in Ukraine for the second time in two months, officials said Tuesday, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made his latest trip near the front line.

The visits — on different days and in different provinces — sought to stiffen the resolve of soldiers as the war approaches its 14th month and as Kyiv readies a possible counteroff­ensive with Western-supplied weapons.

Some of the most significan­t weapons appeared to have arrived in Ukraine. Germany’s federal government website lists a Patriot surface-to-air guided missile system as among the items delivered to Ukraine within the last week.

Ukraine has been pressing allies for months to send Patriots and other air defense systems, and Germany’s appeared to be the first to have arrived. Ukrainian air force spokesman Yurii Ihnat declined to confirm Tuesday that a Patriot had arrived, local news outlet RBC-Ukraine reported, but said that receiving the missiles would be a landmark event, allowing Ukrainians to knock down Russian targets from a greater distance.

Elsewhere, Kremlin video showed Putin arriving by helicopter at Russian forces’ command post in southern Ukraine’s Kherson province, then flying to the headquarte­rs of the Russian National Guard in Luhansk province, in the country’s east. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the visits took place Monday.

Dressed in a dark suit, Putin appeared to chair meetings with his military top brass during both stops. The locations of the military headquarte­rs weren’t disclosed, making it impossible to assess how close they were to the front line. The authentici­ty of the video could not be independen­tly verified.

On Tuesday, Zelensky made his latest trip to visit units in Avdiivka, a city in Donetsk province where fierce battles are taking place. He heard reports about the battlefiel­d situation and handed out awards.

Zelensky has stepped up visits to areas of his country feeling the brunt of Russia’s invasion, shuttling across the country, often by train. As with Putin, the Ukrainian leader’s wartime trips usually aren’t publicized until after he has left an area.

Official coverage of Putin’s trip showed him in mostly formal and ceremoniou­s settings, while photograph­s issued by Zelensky’s office showed the Ukrainian president taking selfies and eating cake with soldiers.

Russia’s war in Ukraine has become largely deadlocked amid heavy fighting in the east, particular­ly around the Donestk province city of Bakhmut, which for 8½ months has been the stage for the war’s longest and bloodiest battle.

Kherson and Luhansk, along with Donetsk and Zaporizhzh­ia provinces, were illegally annexed by Russia in September after local referendum­s that Ukraine and the West denounced as shams. Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak was scathing in his criticism of Putin’s trip, accusing the Russian leader of “degradatio­n” and being the author of “mass murders” in the war.

Both then and now, large parts of Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzh­ia, as well as some areas of Luhansk province, have remained under Ukrainian control. In November, Russian forces abandoned territory in Kherson, including the region’s namesake capital.

In a parallel developmen­t, the Moscow-appointed governor of the occupied part of Donetsk province, Denis Pushilin, went to Minsk, the capital of neighborin­g Belarus, and won pledges of support from President Alexander Lukashenko, a Putin ally.

“The Kremlin forces Minsk to get involved in the war more actively in order to pressure Ukraine with threats of Belarus joining,” Belarussia­n political analyst Valery Karbalevic­h said in a telephone interview. “It is clear that Pushilin’s visit to Minsk has been synchroniz­ed with Putin’s trip to the occupied Ukrainian regions and aims to show that the Belarussia­n threat hasn’t gone away.”

In both locations he visited, Putin congratula­ted the military divisions on Orthodox Easter, which was celebrated Sunday, and presented them with icons of the faith. Speaking to senior officers at the Kherson headquarte­rs, Putin handed them a copy of an Orthodox icon he said had belonged to a famous Russian general of the 19th century.

The senior officers at the meetings reflected which ones were currently in favor with Putin. Col. Gen. Mikhail Teplinsky, the chief of Russia’s airborne troops, was among the top generals at the Kherson base.

Teplinsky, a career officer who rose from lieutenant to become chief of the elite military branch, is known for being popular with his troops. However, last fall he was temporaril­y relieved from his position amid a spat with Russia’s top military brass. He was restored to the job this year, and his attendance at the meeting with Putin indicated that he was back in favor.

A senior officer who met with Putin in the Luhansk region, Col. Gen. Alexander Lapin, had also been relieved of his duties as commanding officer in Ukraine’s northeast after being blamed for a hasty Russian pullback from parts of the Kharkiv region in the face of a Ukrainian counteroff­ensive in September. He later was named chief of staff of the ground forces, and his meeting with Putin signaled he had the president’s trust.

Putin’s and Pushilin’s trips came as Ukraine is preparing a new counteroff­ensive in an effort to reclaim territorie­s. In addition to Germany, the United States and Netherland­s have pledged to provide Patriots to Ukraine, and a group of 65 Ukrainian soldiers was trained in their use last month in Oklahoma.

The Patriot is a surfaceto-air guided missile system first deployed in the 1980s that can target aircraft, cruise missiles and shorterran­ge ballistic missiles. A Patriot missile battery typically includes six mobile launchers; Zelensky has said Ukraine needs at least 20 Patriot batteries.

Ukrainian officials have said they’re depleting Russian forces in eastern Ukraine while preparing for a counteroff­ensive.

Meanwhile, at least three civilians were killed and 11 were wounded in Ukraine between Monday and Tuesday, according to Ukraine’s presidenti­al office, which said most of the casualties were in the Donbas region. Six people were reported wounded in artillery fire in Kherson city.

In another in a series of possible cross-border attacks into Russia, a drone that a Russian official said was from Ukraine hit a military office in the Bryansk town of Novozybkov. Gov. Alexander Bogomaz said on Telegram that the building was damaged but that no one was hurt.

 ?? Roman Chop Associated Press ?? UKRAINIAN soldiers train Saturday in the Donetsk region. President Zelensky visited troops Tuesday in the Donetsk city of Avdiivka, the site of fierce battles.
Roman Chop Associated Press UKRAINIAN soldiers train Saturday in the Donetsk region. President Zelensky visited troops Tuesday in the Donetsk city of Avdiivka, the site of fierce battles.

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