Los Angeles Times

Debt ceiling tussle was ‘a supreme waste of time’

Biden and McCarthy are each likely to claim victory, but it’s clear the poor lose.

- MICHAEL HILTZIK Hiltzik writes a blog on latimes.com. Follow him on Facebook or on Twitter @hiltzikm or email michael.hiltzik @latimes.com.

No one should be surprised that the resolution of our most moronic fiscal policy, the federal debt ceiling, involved our stupidest social policy, work requiremen­ts for assistance programs.

But that appears to be the case. In negotiatio­ns between the Biden White House and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s Republican caucus, one of the last sticking points was whether, and by how much, to tighten work requiremen­ts for food stamps and welfare.

In coming days, as Congress moves toward votes on the deal, political commentato­rs will thoroughly masticate the question of whether President Biden or McCarthy (R-Bakersfiel­d) prevailed in this deal-making and which of them will be hurt or harmed politicall­y by the outcome.

That’s not a very interestin­g parlor game. (Personally, I’d go with the judgment of Timothy Noah of the New Republic, who thinks Biden emerges as the political victor and McCarthy’s days as speaker are numbered, thanks to the choler of his far-right wing.)

More important is what the deal says about the principles of both camps. The granular details of the agreement were still murky Sunday, and it could still collapse because of objections from congressio­nal Republican­s or Democrats.

The deal, as reported, freezes discretion­ary federal spending — that is, most of the programs for which Americans depend on the federal government — at current levels for the next two years, with increases lower than inflation. That means an effective budget cut, relative to inflation. In return, the debt ceiling is suspended for two years.

But Biden managed to preserve the accomplish­ments of his presidency thus far from the GOP’s knives. He fended off their efforts to torpedo the support for renewable energy in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act, their harshest proposed budget cuts, the rollback of student debt relief, and repeal of his budget increase for the Internal Revenue Service.

(Reports say that $10 billion will be shaved off the $80-billion 10-year IRS budget increase, but the money can be redirected to other programs.)

Biden rejected Republican demands to impose work requiremen­ts on Medicaid, but allowed some tightening of the rules for food stamps — the Supplement­al Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF, which is what’s left of traditiona­l welfare.

Make no mistake: No rich American will be harmed even a bit by this deal. Some may even be advantaged, if the carve-out from the IRS budget comes from the agency’s enforcemen­t efforts; that would help the rich, who are the nation’s worst tax cheats.

The most vulnerable Americans, however, will bear the brunt of the deal points. Let’s take a look.

Start with work requiremen­ts. As I’ve reported ad infinitum over the years, work requiremen­ts on safety net programs accomplish nothing in terms of pushing their beneficiar­ies into the job market.

They are, however, very effective at throwing people off those programs; that’s what happened in Arkansas, where 17,000 people lost Medicaid benefits in 2019 after only six months of a limited rollout of work rules. A federal judge then blocked the changes.

The debt ceiling deal will tighten work requiremen­ts for SNAP by requiring ablebodied, childless low-income adults younger than 55 to work 20 hours a week or be engaged in job training or job searches. If they don’t meet that standard, their SNAP benefits end after three months. Current law applies to those adults only up to the age of 49. The change will expire in 2030.

This rule will do virtually nothing to reduce federal spending, which Republican­s say has been the whole point of holding the debt ceiling hostage. The Congressio­nal Budget Office estimated in April that the change would reduce federal spending by $11 billion over 10 years, or $1.1 billion a year.

By my calculatio­n, that comes to 17 thousandth­s of a percent of the federal budget, which this year is $6.4 trillion.

If it’s scarcely a rounding error in federal accounts, however, it’s crucial to the recipients of food aid. The CBO estimated that about 275,000 people would lose benefits each month because they failed to meet the requiremen­t.

Biden’s negotiator­s did get the Republican­s to waive SNAP rules for veterans and the homeless, which will probably lower that figure and limit the reduction of federal spending.

Work requiremen­ts for safety net programs have been a Republican hobby horse for decades. It’s based on the Republican image of low-income Americans as layabouts and grifters — the “undeservin­g poor.”

Sure enough, Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.), one of McCarthy’s debt ceiling negotiator­s, couldn’t resist slandering this vulnerable population during the talks. “Democrats right now are willing to default on the debt so they can continue making welfare payments for people that are refusing to work,” he said during a break.

Of course, it was Republican­s who showed willingnes­s to default on the federal debt. Nor is there a smidgen of evidence that any sizable percentage of this target population is “refusing to work.”

The vast majority of SNAP recipients already work, but they’re in lowpaying jobs that are so unstable that they often drift in and out of employment. According to the Census Bureau, 79% of all SNAP families include at least one worker, as do nearly 84% of married couples on SNAP.

In other words, the GOP insistence on work requiremen­ts is nothing but the party’s typical performati­ve malevolenc­e toward the poor. If they really cared about getting SNAP recipients into the job market, they’d fund job training programs and infrastruc­ture projects. They never do.

In any case, the only cohort of beneficiar­ies that tends to move into the job market at all are younger recipients — not those in their 50s. All that work requiremen­ts accomplish is to erect bureaucrat­ic barriers to enrollment in the safety net. But that’s the point, isn’t it?

The work rules for TANF are managed somewhat differentl­y — they’re directed at the states administer­ing the program, which have been required to ensure that a certain percentage of beneficiar­ies are working or looking for work. How the debt ceiling deal applies to that program is unclear.

In the next week or so, before June 5 — the putative date at which the Treasury Department says the government runs out of money to pay its bills without a debt ceiling increase and thus flirts with an unpreceden­ted default — Biden and McCarthy will hit the hustings to claim victory.

But there’s really only one way to think about the exercise we’ve just gone through. It was a supreme waste of time.

Republican­s showed they were willing to crash the U.S. economy to make some bog-standard complaints about the federal deficit, most of which they created themselves through the 2017 tax cuts they enacted for the wealthy. Their initial negotiatin­g stance was so extreme that they must have known it could never gain Democratic votes in the House or pass the Democratic Senate.

The Democrats held reasonably firm. They agreed to some modest budget constraint­s for two years, moved the next debt ceiling cabaret off to beyond the next election, and saved millions of Americans from serious economic pain.

As I’ve written before, if Republican­s were really serious about restrainin­g federal spending, they wouldn’t have voted for the tax cuts and budget increases that contribute to the deficit.

Instead, they said the only way to control spending is to refuse to pay the bills they ran up, by refusing to increase the debt ceiling. They lied, and every thinking American knows they lied. So tell me, why did we go through this again?

 ?? ANNA ROSE LAYDEN Getty Images ?? REP. Kevin McCarthy is shown after he and President Biden reached a debt ceiling deal. His days as House speaker may be numbered because of the agreement.
ANNA ROSE LAYDEN Getty Images REP. Kevin McCarthy is shown after he and President Biden reached a debt ceiling deal. His days as House speaker may be numbered because of the agreement.
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