Los Angeles Times

‘Slap in the face to Catholics’


Re “‘Save the children’ has an all-too-familiar ring to it,” column, July 10

While the overall thrust of Anita Chabria’s argument is not to be denied, at least by me, there are parts of it that I have mixed feelings about.

I do feel the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence represent a slap in the face to Catholics who are sincere in their faith. I’m not Catholic, but any time a group uses costumes that deliberate­ly satirize another group that is generally favorably looked on, I think it is wrong.

Which brings me to my second point. Chabria states the Catholic Church “is facing bankruptci­es across California as the financial toll of sexual abuse lawsuits mounts.” What does that have to do with the nuns being satirized by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence or the offense it gives to ordinary Catholics?

John Snyder

Newbury Park

We all want to protect our children. But what those shouting “keep our children innocent” really mean is “keep our children ignorant.”

Those with ignorant minds are much easier to control. Our politician­s have learned that. Expanding children’s minds enables them to work with others and not fear diversity.

During prehistori­c times, children were taught to fear those in the next cave and avoid them. Happily most of us have progressed beyond the cave.

Marcy Bregman

Agoura Hills

The good works that the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence do and the statement by Sister Roma that the organizati­on does not ridicule anyone cannot mask the fact that they do mock and disrespect Catholic nuns in the process.

The Sisters even state on their website that they use “irreverent” (defined as “showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously”) wit. They should drop their Sisters act and say with a straight face their intentions.

As Chabria mentions, the Catholic Church deservedly has it own sins to answer for. But they are not the result of what nuns have done.

In addition, the Catholic Church is the largest private provider of HIV/AIDS care — and the nuns being disrespect­ed provide much of that care.

Paul Burns

Granada Hills

Ultraconse­rvatives have tried every means to demonize the LGBTQ+ community.

They have enacted laws, staged demonstrat­ions of outrage, told lies and banned books. In Temecula, the school board chose to reject a history textbook that mentioned Harvey Milk, a gay civil rights leader.

Inciting homophobia guarantees that bigotry will continue to blossom at the expense of reason and acceptance.

Barbara Hubbs

Long Beach

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