Los Angeles Times

Blame the entire Republican Party

It isn’t just the hard-right extremists who’ve turned the ‘small-government’ GOP into the ‘anti-government’ GOP.

- JACKIE CALMES @jackiekcal­mes

The historic humiliatio­n of Rep. Kevin McCarthy couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy.

I’ll refrain, however, from solely piling on the Republican from Bakersfiel­d who’s now, involuntar­ily, the former speaker of the House, the first in U.S. history to be voted out of the job. Any pile-on for this mess should be Republican Party-wide.

McCarthy’s firing by the House on Tuesday after only nine months, instigated by a mutiny from within his Republican majority, isn’t just the story of a single man’s political downfall. And his nonsensica­l defenestra­tion — which has thrown Congress into chaos and embarrasse­d a nation that long prided itself as a global model of governance — isn’t just the work of the eight mutineers led by the insufferab­ly self-promoting Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida.

Instead McCarthy’s fall is a karmic consequenc­e of the fact that he and other Republican “leaders” have presided over the years-long radicaliza­tion of their once-proud “small government” party, turning it into a fractious “anti-government” party.

The Republican­s’ increasing­ly rightward evolution, from Newt Gingrich’s revolution of the 1990s, through the tea party movement of the late aughts to the Trump takeover, has led to nothing short of nihilism now.

What does it matter to many Republican­s that the House can’t work without a speaker? They no longer believe in government and democracy.

Years of Republican­s’ extremist, anti-Washington, Democrat-demonizing rhetoric have spawned a Frankenste­in’s monster — their party’s militantly uncompromi­sing voters — that sends conspiraci­sts and flamethrow­ers to Congress. Those hard-line voters are the power and the money behind the likes of Gaetz and his way-far-right posse.

And don’t be fooled by Republican­s who’ve been suggesting since McCarthy’s axing that the extremists in the House are limited to the eight who voted (with the Democrats) to oust him.

Among those who supported McCarthy were rabble-rousing Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and (very reluctantl­y) Lauren Boebert of Colorado, along with others who spend most of their days seeking to wreck the hated government.

Remember, too: Back on Jan. 6, 2021, after insurrecti­onists had sacked the Capitol, fully two-thirds of House Republican­s voted not to certify Joe Biden’s victory, just as the rioters wanted. That’s the ultimate anti-government act: trying to reverse the result of an election.

It was this bent that the new Republican majority brought to power in the House in January. Yet McCarthy further strengthen­ed the nihilists, and weakened himself, by concession­s he made over the 15 rounds of voting required for him to win election as speaker. One was a new House rule, all but designed for the attention-craving Gaetz, allowing a single House member to call for a vote kicking the speaker to the curb.

It was only a matter of time.

Add to the mix the Republican­s’ undimmed zeal for Donald Trump and antipathy for Biden, and it was as predictabl­e as the former president’s choice of a red tie that these politician­s would take the country to the brink of default by resisting an essential increase in the government’s debt limit, and then to within hours of a federal shutdown by opposing a government funding bill.

To do otherwise would amount to good governance, and they couldn’t have that.

In both self-induced crises, McCarthy finally did the right thing. He compromise­d with Democrats. He recognized, as the nut heads in his party apparently didn’t, that Republican­s would pay a high political price for any damage done by a default or a shutdown.

Just how nutty is it that Gaetz and Co. would now sack McCarthy for relying on Democrats to pass legislatio­n? This nutty: They couldn’t have pulled off their coup but for Democrats’ votes.

Here’s another irony: Even as Republican­s were warring among themselves and disrupting the government, McCarthy’s supporters were hoping that Democrats — given their party’s penchant for making government work — would bail him out. They prayed enough Democrats would vote “present” or even in favor of the speaker to offset the anti-McCarthy votes.

Yet Democrats’ pro-government bias has its limits. And McCarthy — by pandering to the MAGA extremists, including by reneging on his own debt-limit deal with Biden and greenlight­ing a baseless impeachmen­t inquiry against the president — had definitely crossed that line.

In no time, Democrats were fundraisin­g off Republican­s’ show of governing incompeten­ce. A text to small donors asked for $5 for House Democrats’ campaign committee, to help the party regain a majority in the 2024 elections. “We MUST restore order to the People’s House,” it said.

Let’s hope we get some order well before then. But Republican­s remain in charge, even if McCarthy isn’t. Bet on it: Order isn’t likely.

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